
Showing posts from September, 2012

Pink Cadillac Friday Surf & Culture Report

L ost Boys & Co... O ne more shot of Tandis's board for the masochists among us... H azy sun on this fall morning with 15 miles visibility.  You have to look to notice it's not summer, but there are hints.  Winds were onshore by 2.5kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 63.3° and the water is 68.4°, with a posted 70° in Hermosa.  High tide at 8:53am +5.6' and low tide will follow at 3:01pm +0.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200° true reading 3.0'.  We're calling it 1' to 2' and not too spectacular...  Okay, it's not spectacular at all... M ail Bag... (Regarding our comments on David Beckham...  Ed.) HAHAHA... that's unveliveble that you refer to  David Beckham  as "this Beckham guy"... That dude is a legend here in Europe Professor!!! Too bad Metapan lost.. a Big hug to Birdie and Che!!! Ps: Glad you're already practice your soccerish for 2014 world cup!! (I made it up a new soccer term in english, isn't tha...

Wizened Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o everyone was clamoring to get in to see the unveiling of Danger Boys new blade...  Among the lucky were the most interesting man in the South Bay, Ted Clair, Danger Girl, Celestina, DB and Ché himself.  The cord hanging from his back was recharging Ché's battery pack.  By the by, Danger Boy has had that smile on his face all day long...       H azy sun this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the NW by 1.9kts and the sea surface was rippled.  The air temperature was 63.9° and the water was 67.5°.  High tide was at 7:56am +5.0' and low tide will be at 1:41pm +1.4'.  46221 buoy has us pegged on a WSW swell out of 240° at 3.3'.  We're calling it 4' and pretty crunchy and over the top.  Check it at lower tides... A fter seeing Kris hall's board and not wishing anything bad to happen to DB's new ride... Speaking of broken boards, maybe it's the season...  I'm in talks with Thule righ...

Transcutaneous Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H appy Boy with his new ride! V isibility was 10 miles this morning under lightly overcast skies.  The gray burned away fairly early to reveal a beautiful early fall day.  Winds were out of the SW by 2.9kts and that was enough to ripple up an otherwise smooth sea surface.  The air temperature was 62.8° and the water was 68.2° ( we didn't make that up either...)  High tide was at 7:23am +4.7' and low tide will be at 12:52pm +2.0'.  We have a west swell from 263° at 3.6' and we're calling it 3' to 4', with Hermosa showing some pretty hefty outsides. D anger Boy A - W - A - Y. . . !! ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Shuttle Fly-Over Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ome tough little tubes today.  Not everyone made it in and out.  Like Kris here, he made it in and then the wave unceremoniously hit him on the head and pile-drove him through his board.  It just happens to be the third one this season...  Now this looks bad, but it's better than Tyler.  Yep, Tyler got ran over by his own blade and he's going to need some stitches to make sure he doesn't have an extra part in his coiffure.  All in a days surf... 12 miles visibility this morning with mostly clear skies.  Winds were offshore by 3.7kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 68.9° and the water was 67.3°.  Even though you know summer water temps can't last forever, you still imagine that there just might be an exception somewhere down the line.  Low tide is at 6:53am +2.5' and high tide will follow at 1:34pm +5.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192° at 3.3' and it's hitting us with some ...

George Thorogood Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S hameless hero worship No. 17:  Here we have Hap Jacobs personally signing a sticker for Scooter Boy.  Since we would have been too tongue tied to ask ourselves Ché did us the favor of asking for us...  We already have a Barahona sticker! S unny skies and 12 miles visibility this morning.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 66.9° and the water was 68.2°.  Low tide was at 6:00am +2.0' and high tide follows at 12:31pm +5.9'.  We have a good south swell out of 186° at 4.6', but it's only partially wrapping, so we're looking at 3' to 4' waves and they began dumping as soon as the tide started to rise.  Get out there early...   S peaking of hero worship, here we have Danger Boy and Ché congratulating themselves on a job well done.  DB's board got laminated yesterday!  Yes, there will be photos... S peaking of speaking of Danger Boy's board... I would say that rail describes a bump (o...

Well-Appointed Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ook at this rail line...  All at once it describes functionality, style and elegance.  The master is in the background letting his work speak for itself.  September 18, 2012, Danger Boy's ride is taking shape! S well is showing this morning and the Redondo Surf Team was knocking on the door bright and early.  10 miles visibility and sunny skies.  Winds switched on early at 4.7kts and the sea surface had a bit of bump to it.  Felt cooler than the 66.3° air temperature and the water was 69.1°  Low tide was early at 5:20am +1.5' and high tide fills in at 11:43am +6.1'.  The 46221 Buoy is back in operation after it's periodic maintenance and we have a SSW swell out of 198° at 3.6'.  That's in our window and it's 3' to over chest high in most places. S till life with glasses, dust mask and blank.  To add a bit of tension we included the pencil line...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professo...

Rosh Hashanah Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   Y ou've got to start somewhere...  This handsome t-band will, in the very near future, be the basis for Danger Boy's new ride.  Stay tuned... H azy this am with the sun heating up an already muggy morning.  Visibility 5 miles.  Winds were offshore by 4.1kts and the sea surface was glassy to smooth.  The air temperature was 67.6° and the water was a fabulous 70.2°.  We could really get used to this...  High tide was at 10:26am +6.0' and low tide will be at 4:53pm +0.1'.  We have a SE swell (don't think about that too long) out of 139° at 3.6', which really doesn't compute for our area.  We have almost 1' waves and poor to poorer ankle snappers... W hen you have lemons you make lemonade, when you have olives, you order martinis.  When you have too many olives, you have to store them somewhere.  When you're the Professor that's no problem... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Theocratic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F rom Kauai Professor: At first I thought this was just a mere  coincidence  . . . but if you go around the back there is a CBRE commercial office.  Too much coincidence for this haole. Mahalo!   Big Daddy   O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light at 1.9kts and the sea surface was almost glassy.  The air temp was 65.8° and the water was hangin' in there at 70.2°.  High tide was at 8:36am +4.7' and low tide will follow at 2:18pm +1.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 224° at 2.6' and it's hitting the beach so obliquely we've only got 1' waves from the Cove to Hermosa...  Still hoping for a little north...   W ords you need to know... Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flatstomach. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk. Willy-nilly (adj.), im...

Woolgatherer Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ey Fra3nk (the three is silent-) Fuzzing reporting from Montauk, NY, the furthest point out in Long Island.  Surf was 1-2 foot with on a decent beach break. Tried out a Paulownia wood board, about an inch thick and sealed only with oil. Felt a more like a bodyboard, but was pretty fun in the shore break.  It ain't California but Montauk definitely has it's own local flavor. The Huevo Caballo (2 fried eggs over Puerto Rican rice and beans) at the local-breakfast spot La Bodega was pretty damn tasty too. Next time you're in NY I'll bring you out for a day trip.  Fuzzini    (Always the best to hang with Fuzzini no matter what continent he's rockin'...  Ed.) C loudy drizzlations this morning with barely 3 miles visibility.  To make it even more balmy, winds were onshore by 8.0kts and the sea surface had a significant ripple, almost a chop.  The air temperature did not feel like 66.7° and the water was 70.2°.  High tide w...

Tadzhikistan Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C aptain (Andrew Staich) America landed on the beach in Oceanside, ran up to his surfboard and caught some late morning snappers north of the pier.  No, we're not making this up.  Of course he made it sound like it was easy, but they had to take jump over the ocean because of the prevailing winds, they had to curtail their altitude because of their proximity to Camp Pendleton (so it was kinda like jump and pull,) and the lifeguards in Oceanside weren't exactly thrilled they were doing this.  But they did such a stellar job that they just might get invited back.  Cap', say that next time he's jumping with his surfboard to cut down on the down time... H azy sun this morning followed by a bit of foggies later in the am.  5 miles visibility and winds out of the WSW by 1.9kts, with a light ripple on the water.  The air temperature was 68.5° and the water was a delightful 71.2°.  High tide at 7:55am +4.1' and low tide will be at 12:...

Labor Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S hown here leaving the compound is the ever ebullient Buck Delameter.  After a long weekend of body surfing, bike riding and his first surfing go-out since his heart attack in April, Buck was pronounced "fit" by a panel of amateur cardiologists at the fair in Hermosa Beach.  They tested his heart rate by having a bevy of bikini clad interns parade by his examination cubicle.  "Blood pressure, heart rate and breathing: normal... considering... A beautiful holiday weekend with 15 miles visibility under mostly sunny skies.  Winds were out of the NNE by 2.9kts and the sea surface was mostly smooth at checkout.  The wind picked up early though and it was heavily rippled by noon.  The air temperature was 65.3° and the water was 68.8° and warmed a bit during the day.  Low tide was early at 5:09am +1.0' and high tide was also an am event at 11:24am +5.4'.  A strong south swell out of 179° at 3.4', but we're getting about 2' of ...