It Could Be All Down Hill From Here Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H uge seagull photo-bombs Voyager and group of SUP's. Several times bigger than the whales this huge gull picked up the Voyager, shook out all of the whale watchers and ate them... C loudy this morning with light rain dampening the sunrise and keeping the visibility below 10 miles. Winds were offshore by 4.2kts and the sea surface was smooth with a slight bump. The air temp was 59.9˚ and the water is 62.1˚. Hermosa Pier this morning had the water temp at 64˚! We're not sure it was quite that warm but it was nice. High tide was at 5:58am +5.6' and low tide will follow at 1:13pm -0.4'. We have a WSW swell out of 254˚ at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' and pretty fun... D on't leave your cell phone on the snare drum, Boomfwappa learns the hard way. Miss Lilly and the Pandas played the Tiki Bar to raise money for Tootsie Roll™ research. The Tootsie Roll® Foundation is dedicated to finding alternate uses for Tootsie...