
Showing posts from September, 2015

Red Planet/Electromagnetic Wave Surf Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W ell, it's official, they've discovered water on Mars.  This is really funny because most surfers know that people have been surfing on Mars for ages.  But no one has talked about it because it's been a local kind of thing.  You think Lunada Bay is bad?  You show up on Mars during a big swell and they'll  jam your retro-rockets, steal your Mars rover rims and let the air out of your O₂ tank.  Bastards...  Okay, so now it's official.  So much for three guys out and the occasional Brazilian or Aussie...  ( Everything looks red like the Professor here at the right at Graterri Crater.  Photo:  NASA ) P artly cloudy this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were variable, but offshore after 7:30am.  Sea surface was bumpy but smoothed out with the changing wind.  The air temperature was 69.9˚ and the water was 73.2˚.  High tide was at 10:29am +6.4' and low tide will be at 4:58pm -0.3'....

Blood Moon Monday Surfr & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... J etski and Chelé saluting the finer points of a good reposado... U nder cloudy skies this morning we had 7 miles visibility.  Winds were variablow (in our own words), starting out of the west and turning offshore before 8am.  It went from a light chop to pretty glassy in a couple of hours.  The air temperature was 69.3˚ and the water was 74.1˚ at the buoy, 75˚ at the Hermosa Pier and 79˚ at Paradise Cove.  Looking a bit murky though and it might be blooming into a red tide!  High tide was at 9:51am +6.3' and low tide will be at 4:09pm -0.2' for your sea glass collecting pleasure.  We have a west swell out of 278˚ at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' fair to good.  Looks like we might have a building swell so give it a check in the morning before the wind gets on it... C aptain Morgan (Day 69) and Chelé mug for the camera, but one has to wonder what Wheatley's whispering into his ear.  Must be good, look at those eyeballs...  or ...

Third Class Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S mall but crowded this morning.  If there's good news, it's that Morgan got her new board from José and it works just like she imagined!  Hell, they never work like you imagine - okay, so it worked better than she imagined!  Of course it's six inches longer...  Hmmm, we're not going there... H azy sun this morning and call it what you will, but it's an Indian summer right out of old Calcutta...  No wind at checkout and glassy seas.  So clear you can see the sting rays at 12' flying in formation - they learned it from the pelicans...  The air temp is 71.4˚ and the water was 76˚ posted on the pier.  High tide was at 7:36am +4.6' and low tide will follow at 1:03pm +1.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207˚ at 2.6' and it was 2' with some odd three-footers and fun to funner... H appy hour tomorrow night at the Professor and LoLa's. 516 Paseo de las Estrellas, RB 90277  310-373-5138 Probability of Danger Boy sighting:...

Nose Tweak Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R evelation when you go to college...  So bad, even the dog won't eat your homework. W hat's worse than ants in your pants?   Uncles. C loudy with some sun this morning and 10 miles visibility.  No wind and glassy water!  The air temperature was 71.5˚ and the water was 72.5˚ (okay, if you haven't been in the ocean in years, this is the time to do it.  It hasn't been this warm ever...  ever.)  High tide was at 6:32am +3.7' and low tide will be at 11:02am +2.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 203˚ at 2.6'.  It's 2' and some nice little peelers, just like our photo... M y roommate says I'm schizophrenic.  Jokes on him, I don't have a roommate!  T his guy (whom we've never seen before) walks into Brother's this morning and asks the counter birds what they think of his polyester tank top that his girlfriend just bought him.  The guys turn around and he quickly adds "I want to know if it looks gay - not that t...

Man For All Seasons Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A ttached we have photographic evidence of our own Morgan Sliff, surfing the Great Lakes, specifically, Lake Michigan!  Looks like she got an extra beefy longboard for the assault.  In photo 1. she's dropped back to make the drop.  In #2 it looks like she's switched stance, but she's actually in the middle of a spinner!  Based on her remarks upon exiting the water, it was passingly chilly... A beautiful clear morning, that only started to cloud up around mid-day with 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SE by 3.9kts and the sea surface had a bit of chop.  The air temperature was 70.0˚ and the water is 73.0˚.  High tide was at 5:37am +3.4' and low tide will be at 9:08am +3.1'.  We have a SW swell out of 223˚ at 2.6'.  It was 2' to 3' and poor to fair...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

No Theft Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " B eing retired is like owning a pick-up truck, everyone thinks they can borrow you..."  Clark the Meth Hunter N ote:  The pink gloves will knock you out just like the black ones...  (Suzanne sparring with JP...  Photo:  Giupepe Fitness) C loudless skies this morning with 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3.6kts and the sea surface was almost glassy. The air temp was 68.0˚ and the water was a toasty 72.7˚.  Low tide was at 5:28am +1.8' and high tide will follow at 11:48am +5.0'.  We have a west swell out of 250˚ at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with no help from the tsunami. B oomfwappa has two tickets to the Mark Knopfler concert at the Dolby this Saturday.  They're good seats, so they're $250.  But if you like Mark Knopfler...  Give him a call (Boomfwappa not Mark!) H ow Mark Knopfler plays those six strings is impressive, we have trouble with four...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..." ...

Writer's Block Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... K ris Hall lookin' like he took lessons from Lance Carson...  Malibu, last spring... H appy hour Friday at Samba.  5:30pm on the patio.  Probability of Danger Boy sighting:  Very Good M eanwhile, The rain stopped, the clouds parted and the sun came out this morning.  20+ miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 68.3˚ and the water is 72.5˚.  Last Saturday, Tandis Morgan paddled the outrigger race from Newport to Catalina and they paddled through some water that was 79˚!  We're expecting hurricanes... here.  Low tide was at 5:04am +1.4' and high tide will be at 11:19am +5.1'.  We have a SSW swell out of 222˚ at 3.0' and it was an honest 3' with some bigger outsides, if you were willing to brave the possibility of a polluted environment... O verheard at Brother's:  "Clark told me to follow my dreams, so I went back to sleep..."  ✠ "When the surf breaks,...

Pick A Typestyle Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ftentimes things get pretty crowded out there.  Maybe we need a set of hand signals to let each other know what we're about to do.  That is, other than the extended middle finger, suggesting that there already is a problem.  Here we have the Professor signaling for a left-hand turn... R aining this morning with 4 miles visibility and clouds hugging the lower reaches of PV.  Winds were onshore by 10.2kts and the sea surface was chopped up.  The air temperature was an uncharacteristic 72.8˚, considering the rain and the water was 73.6˚.  High tide was at 10:53am +5.2' and low tide will be at 5:10pm +1.1'.  This front brought in a south swell from 189˚ at 2.3' and that's about the size of it 1' to 2'.  Of course this being the first real rain in a while, there was poo-a-plenty all along the beach including 486,025 Styrofoam cups, 4,888 tennis balls, 8,989 sand toys and a D-6 Caterpillar... B oomfwappa discovered this image in...

A Monument To Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he Tim Kelly statue at the foot of the Hermosa Beach Pier attracts a lot of interest, but it figures in a couple of images from the last few days...  No.1:  Tandis Morgan was getting her pic taken for the "Bike to Surf" challenge.  It's being held to raise interest in reducing our carbon footprint on the way to the beach...  The basic notion is to walk, bike or use public transportation to get to the beach.  If the organizers like your approach, you could win a surfboard! P artly cloudy skies this morning and 20+ miles visibility.  No one was in a hurry to get to the beach since the winds have been blowing early then stopping by mid-morning.  It was 3.6kts out of the south at 7:52am then pretty much came to a standstill by 10am.  The air temperature was 70.9˚ and the water is 72.1˚.  There was some grousing on the pier because the posted water temps plummeted from 76˚ to 74˚... High tide was at 10:29am +5.1' and low ti...

Thighranosaurus Thursday Surf & Cuture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " O kay, can we have your consent to skateboard on this property?"  (Another in a long list of stupid questions.) E ven toastier this morning than yesterday, if that seems possible.  It was 75.9˚ this morning and 72.7˚ in the water.  15 miles visibility under hazy skies and winds were offshore by 4.8kts.  The sea surface was smooth to glassy and the water was clear to 15'.  High tide was at 8:57am +4.7' and low tide will follow at 2:28pm +1.6'.  We have a predominantly SSW swell out of 205˚ at 3.6'.  The surf was 2' to 3', but one of the best days we've had in about a month.  It was small, but well shaped and holding some nice lines...  Check it mañana and be patient... H appy hour at the Mermaid Friday night at 5:30pm.  For those who wish to stay on, there will be Bikram Pool in the billiards-sauna room...  Reservations are not required... S unset at Cardon.  Kinda looks like the weather we've been havin...

Warm Enough For Ya' Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... D on't leave the Professor alone with wood working tools, bamboo and ⅛ luann plywood.  He was just wrapping up the detail work on his hi-rise woody bike, when Mike Leko suggested that he had the bomb accessory for the whole parade.  Turns out when he bought the trike for his mom it came with this cool trailer that the previous owner had hauled his pooch around in.  Unbelievably, it matched the wood and basic pattern of the Professor's bike.  But not content to leave things be, we understand that he's currently working on installing bamboo on all the trim and adding a horizontal stripe...  Is there no end to this madness?... A nother toasty day with hazy sun early and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were on by .3kts and the sea surface had a slow roll on a smooth substrate.  The air temperature at 6am was 74.6˚ and the water at the buoy was 72.1˚ and 75/76˚ at the Hermosa Pier.  High tide was at 8:29am +4.6' and low tide will be ...

Taffy Pull Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n all the annals of surfboard repair, this has to be the most egregious use of resin ever recorded.  The hatchet fin (which we personally think is a pretty good idea, when properly applied) is literally dripping with excess resin.  So much so, that the original substrate is no longer in evidence.  It looked like it was dipped several times, then fiberglassed, then it appears that resin was thrown at it from some distance and allowed to harden where it landed.  An excellent example of the chaos theory being utilized in surfboard upkeep and repair! B ut we digress...  A cloudless morning with 15+ miles visibility.  Winds were onshore by a whisper and the sea surface had a bit of residual roll from last night's blow.  The air temperature was 70.0˚ and the water was 71.8˚ at the buoy and 74˚ at the pier in Hermosa.  High tide was at 7:56am +4.4' and low tide will be at 1:08pm +2.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200˚ at 3.6'...

Labor Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " T hanks to the catastrophic greenhouse effect, Labor Day no longer signifies the end of summer."  (anon.) We were imagining that someone said this like it was a bad thing... E verything was going fine at the fair until 1:00pm.  Decisions, decisions, decisions...  We finally decided it would be "How To Give A Chicken A Bath."  The presenter started out with, "Borrow your brother's new toothbrush..." C lear skies and 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were slightly onshore at 1.5kts and the sea surface was smooth to almost glassy.  The air temperature was 71.6˚ and the water is 71.8˚.  High tide was at 7:13am +4.1' and low tide will be at 12:11pm +2.5'.  We have a 3.9' swell out of 225˚ SW and it was 3' to 5' as it continued to build throughout the day...  South facing beaches are getting some of the really powerful swells, so if your interested you might head south... T his is the pic of Jordan Weintraub taking a ...

Next To Washington Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... "...As far as the lobsters in the galley were concerned the sinking of the Titanic was a miracle." So, we have 12 miles visibility and the wind out of the south by 4.4kts. The sea surface was smooth. The air temperature is 65.0º and the water is 71.4º. Low tide was at 6:17am +0.9' and high tide will be at 12:38pm +5.7'. We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 3.6' and that's just about the size of things... Kris Hall on some pretty perfect water... Pretty AND perfect... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Twin Falls Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Note: If the pics don't come out, we'll include them at some point later on... Some days it's just like everything hits you on the head. Like this photo of Jordan Weintraub, smiling while he waits to get hit by No. 3. By No. 5 the smile starts to disappear and you wonder if it's not time for brekky... Partly cloudy this morning with 15 miles visibility and winds out of the SSW by 3kts. The air temp is 71.3º and the water is 73.2º. We have a SW swell out of 223º at 3.6' and it's 3' to 5' with some nice ones if you're patient... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!! /Users/allison/Desktop/IMG_0807.PNG