Rag Top Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o why do you feel like having a smoke when you see this painting... I t was fun to watch this guy dredge the channel with his hook. If you look at the barge he's towing you can see a stack of rusted bicycles that he snatched from the bottom. If there are hundreds of bikes that go in the water, how many cars do you think they pull out of the canals? On an average ONE a week! O vercast this morning with 7 miles visibility a sun that kept trying to peek all day. Winds were light onshore early and then freshened as the morning progressed. The air temperature was 68.3 and the water was 70.0 at the buoy. High tide was at 5:51am +3.5' and low tide will be at 11:20am +1.3'. We have a SSW swell out of 195ยบ at 3.0' and it was 2' and breaking on the sand for some fast little grinders... You had to be quick, but it was fun... T his building was built in 1569, so maybe folks were a bit smaller then... ✠ "When the surf bre...