
Showing posts from August, 2016

Ten Thousand Places To Visit Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A couple of special birthdays this month, with Tandis leading off the weekend in Catalina (#1.)  On the way over with LoLa on the Catalina Express.  Then there's Suzanne at the Library Bar (#2) on tour with Michael and the crew including the girls from Connecticut... H azy sun this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds were straight out of the south by 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 68.3 and the water is 68.5.  High tide was at 9:18am +4.8' and low tide will be at 2:43pm +1.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 199ยบ at 3.3' and it was 3' breaking close to the beach, but certainly trying...   W henever you're tempted to compare water clarity, you gotta start with Sardinia...  Catalina, not in the top 10... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Third House On The Left Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ast Sunday's concert on the beach in Hermosa was a gift to all of the Doors fans out there.  Robbie Krieger and his son Sean (channeling Jim Morrison for the faithful) (photo #1) lead a group of talented musicians reprising some of the Doors best work.  Now, you try to get "Roadhouse Blues" out of your head for the next four days... O vercast this morning with almost 5 miles visibility.  Winds were off by a breath and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 63.3 and the water is 68.0.  Low tide was at 9:27am +2.3' and high tide followed at 4:09pm +5.4'.  We have a west swell out of 260ยบ swinging south at 3.0' and it was 3' to 4' with some nice peaky blinders... N o this isn't the wet side of the moon.  This is a salt pond on Sardinia, just over the dunes from the beach (#2).  LoLa was marveling at the austere landscape.  What made it just a bit more unreal was a flock of flamingos (#3) scudding about looking for ...

Better Than It Looked Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o we ran into this cutie #1 having a fresh sea bass, perfectly prepared by the way.  This spot was called "Crarรฉ Luna" or moonbeams...  The island of Sardinia is famous for it's fresh seafood and local wine.  Weren't disappointed on either score... H azy sun this morning with about 5 to 7 miles visibility.  No wind and calm waters.  The air temperature was 60.9 and the water was 66.7.  Low tide was at 8:10am +1.9' and high tide is at 2:54pm +5.4'.  We have a slightly building SSW swell out of 196ยบ at 2.6'.  It was 3' with some fatties on the outside... #2   Check out the clarity of this water, better than 40' in some spots!  We missed this spot breaking by three days.  The point works like Malibu and then the dark spots reform the waves.  It's near the town of Chia on the south of Sardinia.  At various times of year they get south swells that come across the Mediterranean from Africa.  It's a l...

Turn, Turn, Turn Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph on a Bicycle."  In a country as Catholic as Portugal, we're not quite sure how they got away with this.  Apparently they just roll off the shelves... H azy sun this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the south by 2.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 59.9 and the water was 66.7 at the buoy.  Low tide was at 7:14am +1.3' and high tide was at 1:50pm +5.4'.  We have an oblique SSW swell out of 202ยบ coming in at 3.0' and  it was 2' to 3' at south North Manhattan... #2  Graffiti in Portugal.  Can you imagine this in the US?  Like, we have a statue (given to us by the French) welcoming folks, but it seems a little hollow these days.  Actually, it is literally, hollow...  The only question we have is, what happened to the little girl the boy was holding on to?  He had her when they were crossing the 405... #3   Luke, TJ, L...

Missing Photos Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, we sent out the last report on Thursday and apparently a couple of the photos didn't make the leap into cyberspace.  #1 is the Professor pointing out the fact that Morgan's right meter has timed out...  #2 is Morgan and her two perfectly positioned meters... (photo credit:  Jetsky for Public Service Quarterly ) H azy sun and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the south this morning by 3.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 62.3 and the water is hanging around 67.1 at the buoy.  Low tide was at 6:29am +0.7' and high tide was at 12:56pm +5.4'.  We had a SSW swell out of 200ยบ at 3.6' and we jumped in at El Porto for some 2' to 3' smackers... # 3 is the California contingent at Marco and Raquel's wedding.  For the record, it was not the loudest, craziest or longest lasting table...  But we did have the most fun... T he Wagon Masters have decreed that Happy Hour on Friday will be at the Mer...

Now Look'a That! Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's a full moon...  Maybe that explains a lot... H ere we have a Cezanne inspired Professor pointing out the obvious...  Or maybe he was checking to see if Morgan's meters had timed out...  Gotta be a Meter Maid joke in there somewhere...  (photo credits:  R. Silva for "Cezanne Quarterly,"  Jetski for "Meter Maid Monthly" (centerfold)). A nother overcast morning with less than 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light onshore by 1.1kts and the sea surface was smoothie.  The air temp was 63.2 and the water at the buoy is 66.4 chilly ones, but still holding at 73 on the beach.  High tide is at 10:22am +4.8' and low tide will follow at 3:47pm +1.4'.  We have a weak SSW swell out of 207ยบ at 2.3' and it's 1' to 2' and poor to worse.  Maybe a little something for the weekend, but we're not holding your breath... R aquel and Marco's ride to the reception...  Instead of stopping in the lot the Professor drove it ri...

Wait Until Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f we would stop running around long enough to do a Surf & Culture Report, we would...  So here it is... P hoto #1 is Raquel Leao, being lofted into the stratosphere by a number of enthusiastic celebrants at her and Marco's wedding.  You can see that she is dangerously close to the rafters...  In Portugal the building codes for wedding venues specify that the ceilings have to be high enough to throw a bride at least 3 meters into the air... O vercast this morning and almost 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light onshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 62.3 and the buoy had a 66.9 water temp, although it was 73 at the pier in Hermosa.  High tide was at 9:51am +4.6' and low tide will be at 3:06pm +1.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 209ยบ at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' and not very inviting...  Could be a little better as the weekend approaches...  South facing beaches look better on the forecast... ...

Baby You're A Wild Child Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   M eanwhile, back in Portugal, Marco and Raquel were getting married and #1 is a shot of the wedding party, including the "madringhas" and the Professor as the best man.  It would be impossible to explain the magnitude of this celebration, other than to say it was a perfect day, great food, great music and an epic party for two of the sweetest people you'd ever want to meet.  The celebration started at 2pm and went until 8am the next morning... M ostly clear this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SE by 2.3kts ans the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 64.5 and the water was commodious 71.8.  Low tide was at 8:38am +2.3' and high tide was at 3:53pm +4.5', breaking on the sand at both ends of the tidal spectrum, designed to break your neck if you made the wrong move...  It was a west swell out of 255ยบ at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' and if it hadn't been Morgan's birthday and a celebratory g...

Take Two Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... M om played the ukulele...  I have no idea what happened to her grass skirt.  Of course it was the San Joaquin Valley so they might have used it to feed the cattle... O vercast this morning with 9 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SE by 3.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 66.7 and the water is a nice 70.5.  Low tide was at 7:51am +1.9' and high tide is at 2:52pm +4.5'.  We have a diminishing SW swell out of 199ยบ at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' and not quite deluxe, although Capitan Donaldo got a couple of little ones...  T he panorama of Nazarre (#2).  The point is to the far right.  That's where Garrett McNamara rode his hundred footer...  It was small the day we were there, like ten foot.  The bottom contour makes it channel the wave energy right to the point.  Every place else was so what and there it was booming...  #3 is the point itself.  The lighthouse at the...