
Showing posts from September, 2017

Not Exactly Flat Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... E very once in a while someone asks us to direct them to the blog (vault as it were) for older archived posts.  The address is ""  We keep reminding folks that this is most accurately a "newsletter" and not a blog, but the notion persists... S urf was small today, but we went out and wouldn't you know, we caught some of those little spinners.  Skies were a bit hazy and almost no wind.  The air was 58.7 early and the water is 67.8.  High tide was at 7:10am +3.9' and low tide will follow at 11:59am +3.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206º at 2.3' and that translates to 1' and poor.  Props to Jetski, Ché, Stud-Leigh and the Professor for being the only four surfers out for miles...  Supposed to be better tomorrow... F or instance you could go back a year and see Suzi with her (then) new blade (#1).  She did the artwork with some lettering from the old man... Y ou know how you just want to NOT li...

A Jury Of Your Peers Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have (photo #1) Mr. Christian, Kimberly Suz and Jah Morgan posing for the camera.  It is interesting to note that Kimmy, in the midst of her pose, dropped her board almost removing Jah's fingers...  But she held her pose and in subsequent frames continued to appear quite composed and nonplussed... H azy sun this morning and 7 miles visibility.  Winds were lightly on by 1kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 58.2 and the water is 68.7.  Low tide was at 10:36am +3.3' and high tide follows at 4:26pm +4.3', with only a foot of movement.  We have a WSW swell out of 255º at 2.0' and it was barely 1' and poor.  S'posed to get a little stronger this weekend, so keep your surf-eye open... (#2)   Just about as deep as you can get, courtesy of Antonio Renna... W e were wondering what they might be carrying in this truck and were pretty much astounded when we read "cabezas," which loosely translated......

Tofu Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... L ast night was our last night at "Mun's Corner Pub" on the Redondo International Boardwalk.  It all started years ago when the spot was "Louie Louey's" and we went there with the lifeguard crowd to watch Monday Night Football.  It was Mexican food and then Anthony bought it and started making Vietnamese cuisine.  Even though it was Anthony's we kept on calling it Louie Louey's.  The Mun bought it, called it the Corner Pub and started adding Korean dishes!  She kept all the menu items that went before so no one had to give up their favorite dishes.  Of course we still called it Louie Louey's, but Mun gave everything her own special flavor.  A couple of weeks ago her husband Alvin had a stroke and she decided to call it quits.  The stress of taking care of Al and running a restaurant was getting to be too much.  There's also the pier redevelopment, so it was the best time to bail.  We wish her the best and hol...

Drop The Mic Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... B oom F wappa is releasing his line of fine percussion products and he decided to go with the pirate look for his logo.  This going to look good on his bass drum...  C lear skies and 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were light offshore by 2.7kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air started out chilly at 54.8 and the water is cool at 66.4.  Low tide was at 6:17am +2.4' and high tide crested at 12:43pm +4.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 198º at 2' and it was 1' to 2'...  Jetski and the Professor worked some little ones into a frothy meringue, but it WAS small... W hen you go to Boise, Idaho they really send out the welcome committee!  In some places you get 76 trombones, but in Boise you get 8 Tubas.  The trombones are nice, but the tubas will rock your mojo...  T his is an Anthony Renna shot of the shorebreak last week.  You might be lucky enough for him to take your photo, but you have to be way-back in...

Why Is Everybody Laughing Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W hy are these men laughing?  It's got to be Boris...  No wait...  It's got to be Clarke...  No,   Maybe it involves Michael and his cat, well, it's actually Sarah's cat...  Maybe it's Karg?  Hey we need our Swiss-Fix...  AND a trim.  Just a trim, nothing crazy...  Okay, crazy is okay...  Waiting for the 24th of October and his triumphal return...  Scissor kick... BOOM! G ray and windy again today!  What the f**K!  Only 6 miles visibility under overcast skies.  Seas were choppy and the air was 64.3 and the water was 65.3.  Low tide was at 9:20am +2.7' and High tide is at 3:53pm +5.3', as though this would make a lot of difference...  So we have a SSW swell out of 205º at 3.0' and it was blown out and 1' and poor... damnation... O n a sadder more serious note, Uncle Charlie (Paine) passed away last night after a brief illness.  "Uncle" Charlie was actually the Profe...

Life Is A Cabaret Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... C hristian Stutzman (#1) flashing that style that's won him some contest notoriety.   Last weekend at the Malibu contest he won every heat until the last when he came in third...  Kinda hard to be disappointed at a showing like that...  M eanwhile, it was cloudy and windy this morning, with winds straight outta the west by 8.6kts and the sea surface was finely chopped.  The air temperature was 64.2 and the water is 66.2.  Low tide was at 7:50am +2.4' and high tide will be at 2:31pm +5.3'.  The swell is out of the SSW 205º at 2.6' and it was half that in the surfline.  Poor, gray and windy...  Maybe mañana...  At least the wind might let up... K ira Lingmann (#2) isn't just the shop manager at Becker Surfboards.  On Tuesday nights she runs the showcase at St. Roche and most mornings she's shows us how to surf... Y ou saw the Primo Warrior that Keoni Boyd drew and Suzi Paine colorized.  Here's the bac...

Monosaccharide Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... E at something...  You look emaciated... A lways a ray of sunshine when Morgalini (#1) paddles into the lineup!  She makes everything look so effortless...  Christian's not bad either... M eanwhile there was a little bump today.  Some lightning and thunder last night, but hazy sun this morning and 8 miles visibility.  Winds were light onshore by 5.0kts.  The air temperature was 63.5 and the water is dropping a bit to 65.3.  Low tide was at 6:52am +1.9' and high tide is at 1:25pm +5.3'.  We have a SW swell out of 226º at 2.6' and it was 2' and poor... S ensei Joey going deep on this little one.  (Photo credit: Paul Roustan) F eatured in this week's Barahona Instagram, the Mondrian Board has been a big hit with everyone.  Sarah Foley, was posing with the tuna board, but we borrowed her skillful modeling... K eoni Boyd's Primo Warrior, hand colored by Suzi Paine... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Prof...

Florid Eloquence Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... M eanwhile, Boris and the Professor practice their stalking skills.  The use of video is very important.  First, it helps hone one's technique.  Second, you can show it to your friends.  Third, it can be used as evidence at the trial.  "How do you plead?"  "Insanity!" "You plead insanity?" "Yes your honor, I was crazy about that girl!" C lear with winds from the south at about 4kts this morning.  The sea surface had a bit of a bump, but the swell was strong.  The air temp was 61.8 and the water is 66.0.  Low tide was at 5:02am +0.4' and high tide followed at 11:16am +5.3'.  We have a WSW swell out of 250º at 3.3', but it was hitting us straight enough to be 3' to 4' with some fatties on the outside...  Typically one of  the busiest weekends in the water, all of the kids who've been in school their first week are stressing for the weekend... W hen we first saw this ad (#3), we thought it said ...

Idle Threat Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... F rom somewhere outside (#1) Bacalao made his move on this steep, glassy little spinner and came flying by photographer Paul Roustan at about Mach 2.  Not sure if he ever actually saw Paul, since he was focused on all the action further along the path...  Those paddle things really do catch waves early... T he wind died down this morning but there was still a fair amount of bump.  It was clear with 10 miles visibility.  The air temp was 62 and the water is a disturbing 66.6.  High tide was at 10:44am +5.2' and low tide will follow at 4:37pm +1.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 196º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' with some crashy little waves that weren't exactly deluxe.  It's trying though...  Check it mañana... J ah Morgan doing the bunny hop on this bouncy little number, as she gets it under control just in time to sneak down the line to point B...  The shortest distance is not always the fastest... S talking 1A......

Taciturn Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... O ne of the perks of hanging out with the Lost Boys is that birthday celebrations sometime go on for a week.  In this case Suzi met up with our surf familia and stopped surfing long enough to take this photo of the crew.  From L. to R.:  Kira Bones, The Bacalao, The Professor, Suzi, Sensei Joey, Tarzan and Jah Morgan.  Paul Roustan did the photo honors as well as #2 showing Suzi scooping a late takeoff and bending into this left...  Jah Morgan brought a bunch of yummy pastries and everyone had a little something extra to go with their coffee... C loudy this morning with 7 miles visibility.  Winds were from the WSW at 6.6kts and the sea surface was lightly chopped.  The air temperature was 72 and the sea was likewise.  High tide was at 9:48am +4.8' and low tide was at 3:20pm +1.4'.  We have a rising SSW swell out of 192º at 3.0' and the surf was 1' to 2' and poor.  Good chance it will be a bit better mañana, s...