Boo's Day Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O h, It's Halloween? How can you tell? Well, all you have to do is go surfing - DUH! No sooner had we gotten out of our car than the Scarecrow, Dorothy and the Tin Man came skipping along. Posing for a pic, suddenly a bicycle pulled up... G ray with 2 miles visibility and cloudy almost weepy skies. Winds were calm and the sea surface had a smooth roll. The air temperature was 64.4 and the water is 68.0. High tide was at 7:32am +5.2' and low tide will be at 1:38pm +1.4' with minus lows starting on Friday. We have a SSW swell out of 227º at 3.0' and it was 3.0' with some scary outsiders... H ere #2 we have Naomi and Yoshi with his dreadlocks. Honestly, this photo doesn't do Naomi's make-up justice. She did an expert job on the gaping wounds and it was difficult to look at here without wincing... Ouch! #3 features some of the late crew, including Darth Wader, Little Red Riding Hoody, Dorothy fro...