
Showing posts from January, 2018

We'll Work For Wasabi Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... A couple of weeks ago the Professor was checking out the sand runes written on the Strand (#'s 1 & 2.)  Sitting there just waiting to be deciphered, we've tried for hours to make something out of them.  Nope, nothing yet...  Wait... one might be a phone number for Angelique... N ow, we're going to give you some numbers and you're either gonna read them or not.  But we can make this pretty damned easy...  You can see that #3 shows that Manhattan Pier is flat...  Likewise #4 describes Sapphire and Topaz in the same condition.  The super red - super blue - super super moon, did nothing to help the surf either.  10 miles visibility under hazy skies, with offshore winds at 3.7kts.  The sea surface was smooth verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 53.1 and the water is 58.8.  High tide was at 8:30am +6.9' and low tide will be at 3:31pm -1.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 193º at 1.6' and we'll ca...

I'll See It When I Believe It Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S ince the present is getting almost unbelievable, we decided to head into the past (#1) for a bit of hoomalimali...  It's the Professor (and his original Redondo letterman's sweater,) LoLa (channeling her mom with cigarette in front of the same stove,) Donna and Boomfwappa... N o, Aubrie is looking right at us (#2)... O cean is still flat as a board.  10 miles visibility under cloudy, overcast skies.  Winds were light onshore variable to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 51.7 and got up to almost 80 at the beach midday and the water was 59.7.  High tide was at 7:44am +6.9' and low tide was at 2:50pm -1.8' for a real dredging low tide.  We have a south swell from 188º at 1.6' and it wasn't quite a foot when it got to the sand...  Good day for SUPing... T he Little Guys Surf Club (#3.)  You have to be under 6'0" to be a member.  Actually, the Professor was the tallest one in this pic, me...

A Fanzine Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H ere's a shot (#1) that we hodged from Boris...  It's not as good as his, but we'll give him credit for the inspiration...  Maybe we can have him send his shots so we can share...  We were going after the illuminated water droplets... A fter yesterday's wind things looked a little cleaner today.  We had 20 miles visibility and mostly clear skies.  Winds were offshore by 3.6kts and the sea surface had a slight bump, but was mostly smooth.  The air was very chilly at 42.7 and the water was 59.4.  High tide was early at 4:20am +5.2' and low tide follows at 11:44am +0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 281º at 4.6' and it was smaller at 3' to 4' and a little wobbly.  Supposed to be smaller and better shape mañana... #2 shows Hugo Vau pulling out over the top of this Nazare' monster.  If this were us we'd be counting our blessings, we're betting he was bummed...  He looks kinda tiny, huh? #3 is Hugo in the mi...

Trying Harder Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o, we have some catching up to do, considering that in our obit for Denny Hengen, we forgot to mention his name and in reporting the Professor's stingray encounter, we made it sound like it happened yesterday, instead of last week.  We're thinking it might have been an amalgamation of stingray venom, rum and yes, a bit of grieving...  So to make up for things a wee bit, we included a couple of shots of Denny playing guitar at Kings Canyon during a couple of our famous campfires and his role as Santa to innumerable kids throughout the area... A beautiful morning with 20 miles visibility and just a few clouds rimming the basin.  Winds were light offshore by 2.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 48.7 and the water is 60.1.  Low tide was at 7:30am +2.1' and high tide was at 12:52pm +3.5'.  We have a west swell out of 281º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' and not too great at low tide, but got better as the ti...

One Stingray Can Ruin Your Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o, we all remember to do the stingray shuffle when we're out in the shallows, right?  Hmmm, not so much...  Actually the Professor was jumping on to his board and as he pushed off from the bottom stepped on the critter.  A few things to consider:  1. Yes, it really hurts and in this case it bled like a son-of-a-gun.  2.  As soon as you put your wound into hot ( very hot) water the pain subsides, but if you remove it from the hot water the pain comes back with a vengeance.  3.  Besides hot water, we would advise copious amounts of rum (#3).  This also acts as a painkiller.  In no time at all the Professor was back on his foot/feet.  The next morning he thought he was still feeling the effects of the toxin, but it turned out to be more related to a traditional hangover... P retty much cloudless this morning with 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth....

Hold Fast Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... Y esterday we were informed that our long time friend, trickster, bon vivant, musician and Santa, passed away due to complications from congestive heart failure.  Our grief is immeasurable, only assuaged by the endless joy he brought to all of those who were his friends.  We understand that there will be a viewing at Rice mortuary in Torrance on Sunday from 2 to 6pm and his funeral will be at St. Lawrence Church, Redondo Beach, on Monday at 11am.  Our condolences go out to his family and friends...  ( At some point we'll share a couple of stories... ) W e also want to remind you that the celebration of David Sliff's life will be Saturday at 11am at Palos Verdes Golf Course.  Come and lend your support to the Sliff family as they go through this difficult time... V isibility was 5 miles this morning and the surf had a rather ragged appearance, with light onshore winds around 3kts.  The air temp was 58.3 and the water is holding a...

Taciturn Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he swell finally hit in earnest sometime this afternoon.  Here's a pic just before sundown (#1) with a 6' to 8' roller coming through Burnout/Avenue I... C loudy skies with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light onshore , variable from 2 to 4 kts.  The sea surface had a slight bump to it.  The air temperature was 51.9 and the water is 61.7.  High tide was at 8:15am +5.9' and low tide will be at 3:25pm -0.7' for your clam digging pleasure.  We have a west swell out of 265º at 4.6' and it was 3' to 5' this morning and quite a bit fuller at some spots (see #1)...  Tomorrow might dip a tad and then it's supposed to get bigger and possibly blusterous toward the end of the week... T he girls hanging out at the stove (#2), having a smoke and making some coffee...   Kinda the way it was in the mid-fifties, including the stove...   LoLa, Terri and Cathy in 50's regalia... A s the sun went down (#3) the sky took ...

Another Martin Luther King Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... W e got this photo (#1) from Chuck Haifly last Saturday and the caption was "Good morning for rockets."  We had no idea WTF he was talking about, but it was a nice panorama from his property, complete with rainbow.  It was a bit later that we heard about the false alarm and how everybody was losing it in various ways including, jamming the buffet at the Hyatt and starting with the dessert, crawling into the sewers and literally heading for the hills.  That is except for Chuck.  Nope Chuck was recording the morning in case he could use it for a special on the History Channel...  We love Chuck... V isibility went from 5 miles to around a ¼ of a mile as the fog came in...  Winds were light onshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 48.7 and the water is 61.9.  High tide was at 7:44am +5.8' and low tide will be at 2:57pm -0.6'.  We have a WSW swell out of 255º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3', but there ...   Frank Paine

Fatuous Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... Y esterday, at the L.A. Art Show (#1) we were taking in Matthew Modine's black and white photos on the set of Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket," when a lecture broke out.  Modine got into photography with his grandfather's Rolex to take up time on the set when he was waiting to shoot his scenes.  A rather imposing, yet considerate guy he patiently answered everyone's questions and brought some serious insight into the making of this classic film.  His characterization of Kubrick was especially interesting, given the volatile nature of the film maker and the subject matter of the film... T he fog was trying to decide to come in or stay out, so visibility varied between ¼ mile and farther.  Winds shifted on early, variable to 2 to 3kts, with a bit of a light chop on the sea surface.  The air was a damp 50.1 and the water is 61.7.  High tide was at 6:07am +5.4' and low tide will follow at 1:21pm +0.0'.  We have a west swel...

Painting The Town Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... K ris Hall perched on the tip.  The water looks pretty safe (although the bad stuff is always invisible isn't it?)  10 miles visibility under a hazy winter sun.  Winds were offshore by 2.9kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air felt cooler than 51.3 but the water is still 61.7 and relatively warm.  High tide was at 5:29am +5.3' and low tide will follow at 12:40pm +0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 5' and there were some fun ones if you knew where to look... F rom Lost Boy Mark Cole at HippyTree: Have something this Saturday that might interest the newsletter receiving crowd.  HippyTree is throwing the #52weeksofnature photo show this Saturday at Shockboxx Gallery in Hermosa, right next door to Jose's shaping bay. W e've been running the campaign and Instagram photo contest all year, and it's been one of the most successful initiatives in our history.  We've had over 30,000 submissio...

A Conflicted Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... S o why is this a conflicted Wednesday?  Let's look at the stats and then we'll talk about it...  We have 15 miles visibility and a few clouds.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 3.6kts and the sea surface was rolling smoothly.  The air temperature was 50.9 and the water is an amazing 61.5 considering the rain and wind.  Low tide is at 11:49am +0.9' and high tide will be at 5:44pm +3.2'.  After yesterday's storm we have a west swell out of 260º at 7.2' and we'll call it 5' to 8' with a full fledged pulse for a change.  #1 shows a nice one coming through Secrets and you can even see some lines on the north side of the jetty.  So why all the Sturm und Drang?  Well, it rained an inch and three quarters yesterday after months of virtually no rain at all.  Now if you checked any of the outfalls yesterday you might have noticed the chocolate hued effluence issuing into the relatively blue Pacific...  Lots of ...

Where's Hugo Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... O kay, open Photo #1.  Now try and find our favorite Azorean surfer Hugo Vau.  He could be in the lip coming over the falls.  He could be flying through the air after being bounced.  He could be safe on the beach drinking a latte'.  Look closely...  Yep, that's him in the white water waving (we hope) to his jet-ski pick-up driver.  At least that's what we'd be doing!  By all accounts he's having a great season at Nazare' and we wish him good luck and Godspeed!  C loudy and raining forecast for the remainder of the day.  Winds are boisterous out of the SW from 13 to 20kts and the sea surface is chopped.  The air temperature was 59.0 and the water is 61.9, but expect it to drop with all this wind.  Low tide was at 10:40am +1.5' and high tide will be at 4:14pm +3.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 4.3' and that will be building throughout the day to 7' - 9'.  This being the first heavy r...

Beach House On The Moon Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n #1 we have this cherry Dodge pickup with it's owner Austin Nunes (L) and her buddy Kelly Harraka (R).  Austin was on the surf team at RUHS for a couple of years and then gave it a rest because she wasn't into the competition scene.  But she's back surfing regularly and was getting some good waves on Saturday.  Kelly is going to college at Ryder in New Jersey and hadn't been in the water for a while, but she's surfing well and enjoying her time on the east coast, although this was an excellent week to be home from the right coast... C loudy and rain with 1 mile visibility.  Winds were stiff offshore by 3.9kts and the sea surface had a bit of bumpiness to it.  The air was 58.7 and the water is 62.1.  Low tide was at 9:10am +1.9' and high tide was at 2:33pm +3.6'.  We have a WSW swell out of 245º at 2.3' and it was almost that and not quite deluxe.  Word was that there were some fun ones on the hill, but that sounded ...

Full-Bodied Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he Professor and Jetski demonstrating the clarity of the water.  They've been running heats and seeing who can get the most waves in the allotted time.  Today was Jetski's win and he snagged 8 in 30 minutes...  There were some sand busters and Bacallao showed some fine stand-up form in the critical shallows... C lear skies and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were soft offshore by 1.8kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 52 and the water is 62.1.  High tide is at 11:02am +5.9' and low tide follows at 6:10pm -0.8'.  We have a west swell out of 272º at 2.6' and it was 3' and some thick fast ones...  S'posed to be steady for the rest of the weekend... T hen we have in #2 a fine example of Hermosa Beach architecture.  A wooden plank door with a porthole window and a cleat door handle with a seven iron for a door knocker.  Shutters on the roof vent and louvered windows complete the look...  For a...

What Jellyfish Know That We Don't Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... J ellyfish actually know a lot of stuff that we have no idea about, but for starters, they just happen to be one of the most relaxed animals in the ocean.  This alone puts them high on our list.  They are considered less stressed than manatees, sloths and contented cows... F oggy this morning with 200yds visibility at checkout clearing as the morning progressed.  Winds were light offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 53.3 and the water is holding steady at 61.3.  High tide was at 10:11am +6.5' and low tide follows at 5:21pm -1.3'.  There's a west swell out of 262º at 2.6' and it was 3' and as the tide got higher the surf started to have a modicum of shape.  In fact it didn't look good at all until we watched Danny Connell connect the dots on a zipper that ran from the pier all the way to the beach at the end of the berm.  If that wasn't enough, Sean Larned was likewise skating on some rap...

Almost Waves Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he water has been unusually clear this winter, mostly because there hasn't been any surf to speak of.  When there are waves, you get these clear lips that are enticing in their transparency...  Not quite sure what that meant, but it sounded good at the time...  (photo credit:  Anthony Renna ) C loudy, overcast this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light offshore at 2.9kts and the sea surface had a gentle roll.  The air temperature was 52.3 and the water is 61.2.  High tide was at 9:24am +7.0' and low tide will be at 4:33pm -1.6'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' on a rising tide and not a whole lotta shape...  We need shape! H ere we have a shot (#2) of the new Brother's location on the corner of Longfellow and Manhattan Ave.  It's the site of the former Amigos Tacos.  Ivan is currently managing that location and Oscar has joined him as the main Chef du Cuisine...

Rotate Your Tires Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... " A nd the Oscar goes to..."  Jetski and the Professor handing out the awards on New Year's Eve...  Yours is in the mail... 10 miles visibility under high clouds this morning.  Winds were light offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 53.7 and the water is 61.7.  High tide is at 8:36am +7.2' and low tide will be at 3:48pm -1.8' for a 9' tidal differential.  We got an alert this morning for coastal flooding in low lying areas at higher tides...  We have a WSW swell out of 248º at 1.3' and if we're lucky it might be half of that.  Like always, it's supposed to be better tomorrow. O n a most somber note, Morgan Sliff lost her brother David over the weekend.  Words cannot express our sadness and grief over her loss...  T andis knew that she was getting the blue board on the left from Joe Bark, because she had ordered it...  But when Jack showed up with the new balsa lamina...