Short On Visibility Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O n your mark... Get set... Go... W elcome to the Hermosa Beach Pier (#1)... Now go home and don't touch anything... Foggy this morning with visibility to almost the end of the pier. Winds were offshore and the air temperature was 51.5 and the water is 58.6. High tide was at 8:37am +6.1' and low tide will be at 3:17pm -1.2'. We have an oblique south swell out of 189º at 3.0' and it was basically flat this morning with the high tide... I n this oddly religious looking image (#2) Jetski prepares for the day ahead... Many people use a hair dryer, however Jetski uses a fan and does his entire body... A rnold Stang (#3) had one of the most annoying voices in show business, which is probably why he was so successful. I'm not sure he ever made it through an entire movie without getting his glasses smashed at least once by the bully. He might be the perfect example of finding your niche and then making the most of it... Y ep, we're...