
Showing posts from March, 2019

Short On Visibility Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O n your mark... Get set... Go... W elcome to the Hermosa Beach Pier (#1)...  Now go home and don't touch anything... Foggy this morning with visibility to almost the end of the pier.  Winds were offshore and the air temperature was 51.5 and the water is 58.6.  High tide was at 8:37am +6.1' and low tide will be at 3:17pm -1.2'.  We have an oblique south swell out of 189º at 3.0' and it was basically flat this morning with the high tide... I n this oddly religious looking image (#2) Jetski prepares for the day ahead...  Many people use a hair dryer, however Jetski uses a fan and does his entire body... A rnold Stang (#3) had one of the most annoying voices in show business, which is probably why he was so successful.  I'm not sure he ever made it through an entire movie without getting his glasses smashed at least once by the bully.  He might be the perfect example of finding your niche and then making the most of it... Y ep, we're...

Miserlou Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " S urfer's Choice" was the first surf LP I ever bought.  I got it from Ronnie Hall, who no doubt wishes HE had it today...  It's in the Tiki Bar, take a look.  Yes, Dick Dale (Richard Mansour) has passed from this vale, no doubt riding on the next wave into eternity.  He influenced Jimmy Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn among numerous others and "Miserlou" has become a surfing anthem...  A consummate showman, he played most of the instruments on his albums.  We saw him several times and he always electrified the crowd...  He surfed a bit and we always loved the story about him being ripped off at Doheny (where they ransacked his car) and him jumping up and down yelling, "I'm Dick Dale, I'm one of you."  Yeah, well he had some better shit than the rest of us and somebody didn't care who he was...  (The Professor) C lear skies and high tide this morning.  Winds were offshore by 3.3kts and the sea surface is smooth....

Parabens Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G uess who's another year older today?  Yep, our boy Marco has clocked 31 orbits around the sun and we get to celebrate!  It all started this morning (#1) at Brothers, with all types of cake, cheese cake and pastries! 20+ miles visibility under clear skies.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  Air was chillin' this morning at 45.6 and the water is up another degree to 57.4.  Air temp during the day got to 70º!  High tide was early at 4:35am +4.8' and low tide followed at 12:26pm -0.1'.  Going to be some big tide shifts as the equinoxes proceed apace.  We have a WSW swell out of 257º at 2.0'.  We sat ourselves on the sand bar at Aubrieland and got some nice, if inconsistent, rollers... B ob Warchola (#2) holding forth on the Hermosa Pier this morning.  Bobby regularly dispenses his unique take on national and world events.  They might be best described as Rush Limbaugh meets Lenny Bruce.....

Indians, Not Indians Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ep, we're talking Hindu-type Indians and not American Indians.  You know, dot not feather...  This guy (#1) was actually in a bunch of print and TV ads during the 60's, trying to start a little Native American awareness, we suppose.  As it is, the Paver's and the Professor and LoLa will be heading off to the Sub-Continent to research the source of Himalayan rock salt (and no doubt other matters of interest).  Surf check on the Ganges!  We'll be heading out next Wednesday so the report will be sporadic at best, but we hope to transmit some photos as we trek...  Back on the 5th of March... C lear skies and 10+ miles visibility.  Winds were thankfully offshore for a change, at 3.6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was a brisk 47.5 and the water is 56.1.  Low tide is late morning at 11:18am +0.5' and high tide follows at 6:44pm +2.9'.  We have a west swell out of 261º at 3.3' and it was a lined up 3' to...

Windy Again Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how you go to a musical and suddenly normal people break into dance and song.  Well, we thought that was just art, but no...  It happened yesterday morning.  This (#1) is an out-take from the video... 10 miles visibility under mostly clear skies.  Winds were out of the north, putting a distinct bump on the proceedings.  The air temperature was 55.9 and the water is a winter low of 55.9.  Low tide was at 9:42am +0.9' and high tide is late at 4:42pm +2.6'.  We have a wind whipped swell out of the west 260º at 5.9' and it was 4' to 6' and a bit uneven...  Maybe mañana as the swell cleans up... H ere (#2) we have the Spring 2019 Bamboo Harvest, displayed after being trimmed and topped.  This year's crop ranged from 15' to 22'...  If you need some bamboo... #3 In the manner of recent contractions we're calling these two "Renis" or "Borneé." I f you can enlarge this image (#4) the text is full of some g...

Morgan, Boris, Moris Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1  Here we have Boris and MoMo or in the abridged version "Moris."  Ten miles visibility under mostly clear skies.  Winds became fierce out of the north, starting out around 8kts and the sea surface was considerably bumped and getting worse.  The air temperature was 57.3 and the water is a wind chilled 56.5.  Low tide was at 8:08am +1.0' and high tide will be at 2:14pm +2.8'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 3.9' and it was a rugged 3' to 5' and a bit of a challenge to get out... The magnificent seven (#2) stop for a moment for a pose.  The radiation in the background occurred with the confluence of these personalities... One more evil genius shot of Yoshi (#3), as he wields his axe and prepares to teleport down a synchronicity... It was a cold unforgiving morning, but MoMo had it all figured out (#4).  She grabbed a spot in the back of the Professor's van that had warmed in the sun.  There are few things as fabulou...

Marghulis Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Some people have birthday parties, a few friends, cake, some presents...  Nathan Fast and Marco have a birthday and it's full-on Game of Thrones!  #1 might have been the winner of the Best Costume (not to mention the great special effects provided by Sensei Joey.)  We'll wait until the end of the report to reveal who's under all that makeup... Cloudy this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 54.9 and the water was a chilly 56.7.  Low tide was at 6:58am +1.0' and high tide was at 12:55pm +3.3'.  Tides are off this week as the vernal equinox creates extreme highs and lows next week.  We have a WSW swell out of 258º at 3' and it was 3' to 4' with chilly conditions, but a few makeable lines slashing through... Which came first, the dragon or the egg?  In the dragon coop they were dropping these babies (#2) left and right... The mantle of power we...

A Veritable Fusillade Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... J etski checks out the surf (#1)...  Convenient, fast and often almost accurate...  Works best on the 405 at freeway speed... W indier than shit this morning, gusting between 15 and 20kts.  The sea surface was white capped and there was 20+ miles visibility.  The air was 54.9 and the water is a wintery 57.0.  High tide is at 9:50am +4.8' and low tide follows at 4:12pm +0.3'.  We have a west swell out of 268º at 4.6' and it's 4' to 6' and pretty wind whipped...  If the wind stops early it could be interesting mañana... B arahona Volkswagen, for the discerning driver (#2)...  Does NOT work best at freeway speed... T hree of a kind beats a pair... (#3)  Consider this a study in styles... A "water active hairdressing."  We tried this product (#4) and our hair became so active we had to wear a hat for the next month.  It was also noisier than we expected...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor...

Theonomous Thursday Thurf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we are inside Sapphire (#1), where the water temp is hovering right around 212º.  Down below where the water is under pressure, it actually gets above boiling and doesn't turn to steam until it hits the atmosphere...  When it DOES hit the air, it's called a geyser and it's a good time to back away... N ot a good morning for long boards, with 10 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies.  Winds were onshore from the get-go at 5.9kts and the sea surface had some light chop.  The air temp was 54.7 and the water is 57.6, with more wind on the way.  High tide was at 9:19am +5.1' and low tide follows at 3:49pm +0.0'.  So we have a WSW swell out of 255º at 5.2' and it was a ragged 4' to 6' and let's hope this portends a change in the weather! D espite the hot temps in the thermal pools, there is a lot of algae and simple plants that thrive in this hostile environment.  #2 is an example of some of the more colorful life forms on ...

Magnesium Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e were shocked to learn how abundant magnesium is in nature...  It certainly has changed our feelings about mag wheels...  That and the fact that Boomfwappa has left his Porsche here while he hies off to Colorado and left us in charge...  What could he be thinking... #1 How hard is it to match the tops and the bottoms...  Really...  AND no one was willing to swap... E ven though it looks (#2) almost okay, it really wasn't.  It was cloudy and visibility was down to 8 or 9 miles.  Winds were whipping about at 6 to 8 kts and the sea surface was ragged and bumped.  The air was 56.0 and the water was 57.4 and that's not counting the wind factor.  High tide was at 7:49am +5.4' and low tide will be at 2:38pm -0.5'.  We have a WSW swell out of 237º at 4.3' and it was a poor 2' to 4'.  Supposed to rain tomorrow, but it might work if you hit it before the deluge... W e were looking at one of those sites that features ...

A Photon Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur Sruf Familia Mother, the Honorable Jah Morgan(#1), scopes out the new sandbar that's been forming with all the rains of late.  Sitting outside we could see the bottom when were outside of the 48/49 piling...  Making for some great lefts on the dropping tide... C loudy with 10 miles visibility and light on-shore winds at 2.7kts.  The sea surface was rippled and 56.3, while the air was 57.7.  High tide was at 5:54am +4.9' and low tide followed at 1:08pm -0.3'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' with some stand-up lefts all the way to the pier...  Maybe mañana before it rains... #2   Here we have one ticket for the price of two!  Yep, this Arizonan thought she could split the line to protect her Carrera AND she didn't come back until after 10am when her meter was expired.  To top it off, she'll never know how close she came to having the Professor park his bus on the inside (he would have had...