Who Is That Masked Woman Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, who is that masked woman who's out there on the front lines attending to victims of this pandemic? It's none other than Tandis Morgan our own Iron Woman wearing a mask of her own design. If you notice the mask is being held on with a couple of buttons on the side of her headband. If you keep these masks on all day they start to saw off your ears! Then, you don't have any place to hang your sun glasses... In case you think you're hearing a lot of bluster from the media etc. TM says the problem is real and has serious consequences... Pay attention! S unny this morning and we actually got out of bed and rode our bikes down to check out the surf. It's beyond clear, without all of our ambient air pollution. Winds were off by 4.5kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temperature was 53.2 and the water is 57.4, which is several degrees cooler than last week! No high tide today, but low tide ...