
Showing posts from August, 2021

Build It & They Will Come Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " B uild it and they will come..."  Here (#1) we have the newly built patio at Brother's Burritos.  People were in such a hurry we had to bring out the tables and stools to accommodate the additional eager patrons. Credit goes to El Ronnie, Tarsan, the Professor and Doc ? for several days of fabrication and construction... H azy sun this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were 2kts out of the west and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 63.5º and the water is 64.9º.  Kinda running out of time for the summer to warm up, but we still have a couple of months.  Low tide was at 6:37am +1.5' and high tide follows at 12:33pm +4.9'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' and challenging but fun! B est paella in the South Bay?  Look no further than Casa Stutzcanhang (#2).  This one featured linguiça and some treats (and wine) directly from Spain courtesy of Santi!  A fabulous evening was...

Don't Forget To Duck Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ome smiles to share this morning as we avoid the Redondo Pier and the notion that there are still some bad guys hiding in the rocks.  There are always bad guys hiding in the rocks.  Lots of choppers above and at one count there were a cool 70 cop cars piled all the way up Torrance Blvd.  Meanwhile Jah Morgan (#1) was scoring a five and sneaking on this right.  A ten point smile!  So Burnsy (#2) wasn't failing either as she waited patiently for another outside and gave Chris a big smile as well.  A cloudless morning with 15 miles visibility and no wind for glassy conditions.  The air at checkout was 65º and the water was 64.2º.  Low tide was at 6:12am +0.9' and 12:33pm +4.8' for a high.  It's a SSW swell out of 193º at 3.0' and they weren't easy to catch, but if you got one it was worth the paddle... W hen you let surfers build a counter (#3) they will inevitably add surfboard racks to keep an eye on the blades.  ...

Like Water For Chocolate Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F rom gray to great...  Bacallao, Doc ? and the Professor (#1) getting ready to snag some small ones south of the pier...  Hazy sun this morning with 10 miles visibility and chilly at 63.0º in the air and 63.9º in the water.  Winds were onshore, but let off a bit around 8am to 9.  Low tide was at 5:45am +0.3' and high tide will be at 12:02pm +4.9'.  It was a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.3' and there were some fun ones.  Lana and Sully joined us this morning and we're wishing them a great first day of school mañana at West High.  Tried desperately to get them to jump to RUHS, but all their friends managed to sway them back... W orking on the outdoor eating area for Brother's, we have (#2) R. to L.  Tarsan, Executive Producer and barricade visionary, Super Cute Rich, Uniforms and Style Components and Doc ?, Philosophical Tenets and Sanding.  Dealing with various materials (wood, plastic and water) the Professor (Angles, grin...

Rolling On August Birthdays Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R olling, rocking and riding, our own Doc ? (#1) chased down another year around the sun.  Looking youthful and energetic he hit the surf this morning even though it was cloudy and looked like rain.  Visibility was 5 miles or less and the wind was onshore 3 to 5kts.  The sea surface was textured and the longshore rip was keen on straining you through the pier.  The air temp was 64.9º and the water is 68.4º.  High tide was at 9:25am +4.4' and low tide follows at 2:18pm +2.1'.  We had a SSW swell out of 193º at 3.9', but it was bigger than that and some of the outsides were ear ticklers...  Steve O'Brien caught some good ones and Tarsan had a couple of nice drops.  Emmileeper and Tarsan tried to decapitate the Professor on their combined last wave and if his leash hadn't broke he might have been pulled into the impact zone... If you didn't get a chance to sign the poster (#2), we'll ask Doc ? to bring it in the morning!  N...

Theremin Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we are with the crew this morning (#1) enjoying some of Lana's baked goods.  She has here sights set on being a doctor, but if she keeps baking like this she might have a more rewarding career as a chéf de patisseré.  Do we really need one more neurosurgeon or a good bakery?  From l. to r.  Sully, Burnsy, Sam, Ken, Von Stutzcanhang, Doc ? and our favorite chef, Lana...  Maybe the best macaroons on the planet... T en miles visibility under hazy skies.  Winds were out of the SW by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was textured, but not too bumpy.  The air temp was 64.9º and the water is 69.1º.  High tide was at 8:50am +4.1' and low tide will follow at 1:27pm +2.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200º true at 4.6' and it was 3' to 5' with some strong outsides.  Took some concentration and focus to make some of the drops... S peaking of Burnsy, she just had a couple of her photos (#'s 2 & 3) published in the New York...

Whatever Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... M ake sure that you put the right emphasis on the " WHAT -ever."  Hearing this a lot these days... T his is a photo (#1) that resides on the wall of the dentist's office, right at the foot of the chair where they did some repair work on #'s 14, 15, 16.  Considering it contained two of our favorite subjects:  A.  Palm Trees,  B. A 1973 VW Bus.  Kept our attention until they started drilling... T alk about getting drilled...  Plenty of drilling going on as the tide got high at 8:08am +3.8' and didn't lower that much to 2.6' at 12:26pm +2.6'.  Winds were strong out of the SE by 5.1kts and the sea surface was textured.  The air temperature was 70.0º and the water temperature was 67.5º.  It was a SSW swell out of 203º at 3.6' and the thumpers were coming in at 3' to almost 5' and rearranging okole's up and down the beach... T he Professor and Capitán Donaldo showing off their "No Way" swag, courtesy of Charles...

Full Of Termites Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nd it was a good morning to ya' as the crew gathered to celebrate Scarlett O'Brien's 16th birthday.  The fact that Scarlett isn't in the photo speaks volumes about how much a 16 year old wants to spend time with adults even if they're celebrating HER birthday!  Okay, so l. to r. we have Jah Morgan, C. Von Stutzcanhang, the Professor, Doc ?, Anna B. (not banana), Tarsan (not Tarzan), and Sära (not Sarah). H eavy haze this morning, clearing early.  Winds were calm and visibility was 5 miles.  The sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 70.0º and the water was 70.2 at the buoy.  High tide was at 7:11am +3.4' and a quick turn around to low at 11:07am +2.7'.  There's an oblique SSW swell running out of 195º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' with some corners if you looked carefully... F rom the time capsule (#2), we have Teresa, the Professor (at this point the Student), Cathy and Julia in the front row.  Out in the wild...

Steaming On To Hermosa Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen you're steaming on to Hermosa, this is exactly what you want to see (#1).  It's the steam rising not only up, but out to sea, indicating a bit of offshore in store for all our favorite board riders...  And it was almost still with 10 miles visibility under hazy skies.  The sea surface was glassy and the water temperature was 69.1º with the air at 66.8º warming quickly.  High tide was at 5:32am +3.1' and low tide follows quickly at 9:35am +2.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' with some sneaky corners... " N othing to see here (#2)..."  Jetski and the Professor sneaking behind the camo... T here are times when the pier becomes so crowded this (#3) is the only way out.  Bo Bridges caught the Junior Guards on their pier jump... L egend, Senior Surf Instructor and All-Around Nice Guy Joey Lombardo getting ready for a lesson (#4).  We're guessing he's been giving lessons for the past 50 ye...

Another Friday The Thirteenth Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N o, actually, they're quite fond of each other.  Anna and Jah maintaining appropriate social distancing on the way to check out the surf...  (#1 by Barry Santos for " Surf Check Quarterly ") M eanwhile it was hazy sun and looked to be a fitting start to another summer day.  No wind and a smooth ocean.  The air was 64.9º and the water is 66.7º and a little disappointing for August.  Low tide was at 6:58am +0.3' and high tide follows at 1:38pm +5.0'.  We have an oblique S/SSW swell out of 198º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 2.5' and took a bit of waiting to find a corner that wouldn't twist your ankle... H ere we have the irrepressible Jesse Rae (#2 & #3) as she sliced up some waves in the Oceanside Longboard contest.  Haven't heard the final yet, but we're betting she was in the top 5! A t Casa Sellars the succulents are in full riot and since they only do their blooming at night, we were lucky to see this display.  They...

Play Through Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o what is Raquel doing heading AWAY from the beach ? (#1)  Well, she and Marco and the boys are heading back to Fort Collins as Marco takes up his doctoral studies in Occupational Therapy there.  Marco was a tad bummed, since he was getting his surfing chops back and now he has to wait a couple of months before he returns... F inally getting to be summer here in the deep South Bay (#2) and the skies were clear this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 64.5º and the water is 66.7º at the buoy.  Low tide was at 6:25am +0.3' and high tide follows at 12:57pm +4.8'.  We have a weak SSW swell out of 192º at 2.0' and that was about it for the morning.  Water was clear and we're seeing a few stingers hugging the bottom.  Shuffle your feets so they don't hug your bottom... I f you can't go to the beach, bring the beach to you (#3).  Mati, Sal and Mom getting in a l...

Tinted Window Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ooking small this morning (#1), but true to form we went out anyway and got some foamy little ankle breakers.  It was cloudy, to the point that a few large drops fell in the So. Bay, enough to coagulate the dust on anyone parked outside.  Winds were onshore by 3 to 5 kts and slacked a bit mid-morning.  The sea surface was textured and a bit bumped.  The air temperature was 66.3º and the water was 66.4º.  Low tide was at 5:53am -0.2' and high tide crests at 12:19pm +4.6'.  We have a weak SSW swell out of 198º at 2.3' and it was like that...  Supposed to get a bit bigger as the southern weather moves west... T he celebrations continue, as Jah Morgan celebrated another rip around the sun.  #2 with LoLa and #3 in an unidentified holding pen near the Orange County border... C reating some minor scandal among those that have no idea about dancing, modern expression or body-suits, Suzi and Joey preformed their wedding dance (#4) t...

If It Looks Like A Tuesday Then It's Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  T arsan hasn't been bitten by a mosquito since... W ind's not letting us catch a break this week.  It was 5 to 7kts and the sea surface was bumpy.  Sunny though and 10 miles visibility.  The air was a chilly 60.9º and the water is 63.3º for a real dip in the temperatures.  High tide at 8:29am +3.4' and low tide will be, not that low at 12:14pm +2.9'.  There's a wind-blown SSW swell out of 225º at 3.9' and it was 3' to 4' and kinda crossed up.  Hoping it evens out for tomorrow... E veryone was saying how much they enjoyed surfing with Larry Dairy (#2).  He'll be back at the end of the month... S hameless hero worship (on the part of the Professor) as he greets Marion and Jah Morgan at this weekends festivities (#3).  Since Jah Morgan has started wearing her hat you can't fine a Paddington Bear model anywhere... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Mr. Pink Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I nitially we thought this (#1) was the Familia's answer to Abbey Road.  Turns out it was a send up of Reservoir Dogs...  The Professor asked, "Why do I always have to be Mr. Pink?"  (Photo courtesy of Eric Barton for NFL Weekly ) A lot like yesterday with 10 miles visibility under sunny/hazy skies.  Winds were light onshore starting at 2kts and revving up throughout the morning leaving textured seas.  The air at checkout was a chilly 58.9º and the water at the buoy was a frigid 62.4º.  It wasn't that cold in the surfline (maybe 66 to 68) but not prime summer temps.  High tide at 7:34am +3.1' and low tide will be at 11:08am +2.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 195º at 2.6' and it was a solid 2' with some fatter odd ones...  S'pose to be getting bigger though the week... S alvador (#2) diving into more bean and cheese than he'd ever seen in his life.  Mom had just said, "Do you want a bite?" and Sal reached over an...