Fw: Foul Ball Friday Surf & Culture Report 092608

Lost Boys & Co... Foul ball Friday Surf & Culture Report Friday, September 26, 2008 We're running, what we thought was the outstanding wave of last Sunday's session. One-Nut Mike at Tres Palmas streaking across the outside, showing the rest of the crew how it's done. Just for the record he made this wave all the way across the inside as well. It shows you what a little speed will do! A beautiful fall morning with 10 miles visibility and a bit of low haze. Winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy. The air temp is 64.9f and the water is 67.8f. High tide is at 8:26am +5.1' and low tide will follow at 2:06pm +1.3'. The buoy is clocking the latest swell at 2.3' and the waves are in the 1' to 2' range. Looking into the weekend we see some activity up in the northeast Pacific that will be sending some swellage our way. Probably too late for Saturday, but maybe Sunday and earlier in the week. Keep an eye peeled! We'll be heading up to ...