Mammiliated Monday Surf & Culture Report

Good morning yachtsmen, canoeistas and pedal boat captains. You are so hot! Great duds.

12 miles visibility this morning under overcast skies that suggest they might not make it to noon, before breaking up. The winds are offshore by 3.2kts and the sea surface is glassy. The air temperature is 63.9f and the water is 67.8f. High tide will be at 6:20am +3.5' and with hardly any change at all low tide sinks in at 9:01am at 3.4'. The surf is reading 3.0' at the buoy and hitting the beach about the same height. It's not looking good right now, but the tide is kinda stuck in the mid-threes. Maybe later...

This weekend was firing off some nice little squirters. We took some snaps, so we'll share those during the week. Let's start with one of Danger Boy. He does have his moments!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."

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