Thermic Thursday Surf & Culture Report 10300

Lost Boys & Co...
Thermic Thursday Surf & Culture Report
Thursday, October 30, 2008

So here we are on All Hallows Eve Eve and what do you have to show for yourself?  A half eaten bag of mini-snickers... and they were good weren't they.  We just have one question:  How do they make the peanuts smaller?

Meanwhile, we're looking at 2 miles visibility with some high clouds and plenty of haze here at sea level.  Winds are offshore by 7.8kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temp is 61.5f and the water is 64.2f.  High tide is at 10:02am +5.9' and low tide will follow at 5:17pm dropping down to an impressive -0.1'.  The buoy is reading 2.0' and the surf is a weak 1' and very poor.  Now we want to highlight the disappointment we feel this morning as the surf has fallen from the former 3' to 4' yesterday, to the dreary 1' we have today.  Yesterday was so good that we failed to send out a report.  Yes.  By the time we made it back to the Topaz International Trump Tower, we had other fish to fry.   So you can imagine the enthusiasm we exhibited this morning as we headed down to the shore, only to discover that it had turned remarkably shitty in the last 24 hours.  So, now we're back to frying fish.

Speaking of frying fish, we met up with the Coach and Danger Boy on Tuesday as the Coach feted Danger Boy with a Birthday lunch at Kaptain Kidds (that's Captain with a "K" which stands for "Kwality" also with a "K.")  Danger Boy was quite the fashion plate sporting a new Hawaiian shirt and custom shades, as well as a righteous brim.  So, Happy Birthday to the Dangerous one and many pleasant returns of the day.  He is now as old as the Professor!  Also celebrating his own B-day was Corey "Malucca" Chiaramonte.  Not withstanding the fact that Danger Boy could be his father,
we're giving astrology a swift kick in the ass, since you will not find two more totally different folks on the planet.  On his special day, Malucca found himself at sea, quite safely in the hands of the US Coastguard.  Big salty guys with guns.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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