Timbuktu Tuesday Surf & Culture Report
Are you wearing a wifebeater shirt????
Kinda sexy…
(No, I am wearing a tank-top. There's a difference isn't there? ...Ed.)
Paver & his instructor traveled to SanO yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day. Although I wore my spring-suit, the water was pleasant and mild--even when I went swimming without it.
So that cat's out of the bag. At 62, I'm actually trying to learn to surf --please keep it to chuckles rather than outrageous guffaws. My muscles are not imprinted with years of lifelong surfing activity. I can barely lift my arms enough to get my hands to the key board. Nevertheless, for someone whose schedule does not permit going out everyday, becoming more attuned to paddling and the rhythm of the waves, I think I'm making a little bit of progress.
Thus far I've been using a 10' soft foam and a 9-6 Becker. I purchased an 8' soft foam, but didn't make much opportunity to use it. Now it seems it's really too short for me. I would like to sell it, or perhaps trade it for a longer board -- probably a ten foot foam would be preferred [I think].
Suggestions, offers, feedback are welcome.
(Rule #1: Keep the board either pointed out or pointed in - no good (and bruised shins at best, broken face at worst) can come of sideways. ...Ed.)
(Re: yesterday's report...)
This a.m. was lots of fun..... I don't know where fun fits in on the fair to poor scale of waveolgy. Maybe cuz it's been a while since i been in the water.
(Fun turns poor to fair and fair to good - pretty much that quickly. So we're thinking it was pretty damned good and well-worth it! Wish we could've joined you! ...Ed.)
(This exclusive with photo just came in from Don Burt...)
I just managed to be strolling the beach at San Onofre when I noticed Paver surfing. At first, I was unsure that this was indeed Paver, but the "telltale" vest confirmed my suspicions. I was even able to snap the attached picture of the event. Good job Tony!
(That's really good! Rule #2 involves turning... ...Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!