
Showing posts from October, 2010

Going Coastal Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, Danger Boy drives off into his 60th year and we just follow him to see what he's going to do next... M eanwhile, at Brother's this morning Birdie and Oscar were checking out the local conditions.  Looks like they agree that it's looking pretty good!  Of course they couldn't see the water from there...  Speaking of Brother's, the combined team of the Brother's crew and the Lost Boys, once again, came in second in the Pitcher House Trivia Contest.  They just can't seem to crack that #1 spot.  For their next go-out they're talking about changing the team name to the "Lost Brothers."  Kinda has a ring to it... A pparently, there has been a scheduling problem and you will now find summer appearing instead of fall.  Yes, it is a bit crazy.  Yes, this is much nicer than summer was.  No, it's not going to last...  20 miles visibility this morning, with partly cloudy skies and beautiful views of Catalina and across the...

Well Thoughtout Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's "Danger Day" in the South Bay.  Yes, today is Danger Boy's birthday.  It's not just any birthday though - nope - it's his 60th birthday.  So, how did he spend his morning?  1.  He checked out the Avenues.  (Too small and walled.)  2.  He checked out the Cove (fig.1) (Look at all that seaweed!  It wasn't breaking and the tide was rising.)  3.  He checked out Rat.  (fig. 2)  (It really wasn't breaking.)  4.  He checked out Hermosa and it was breaking!  (fig.3)  But it was kinda, sorta walled, so he and the Professor dropped into Brother's, (he had finally run out of coffee,) had a bit of breaky and then hit it when the tide was a little fuller.  Happy birthday Danger Boy!  Awwaaay... A brilliant fall day in the Southland.  Unlimited visibility if you wish to see that far, with a few high clouds looking a bit like that fake Halloween spiderweb shit.  Win...

Wooden Indian Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know things have really gone downhill since women have stopped going out on their balconies.  Used to be you could throw them a note or compare them to the moon or sing them a serenade.  They even had multiple suitors, as seen here flanking Colombina.  Arlecchino on the left and Brighella on the right.  Hey don't even mention Romeo... A beautiful morning on Topaz Bay.  25 miles visibility, with a few high clouds.  Winds stayed offshore all morning to 5.5kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 56.8° and the water is holding at 64.8°.  High tide is at 11:37am +5.7' and low tide will be at 7:30pm +0.3'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 200° true at 3.3'.  It must be hitting us straight on because we're calling it 3' to 5' with some nice outsides.  Sapphire was good for starters, but the tide started backing it off around 9:30am.  Topaz then picked up and for about 45 minutes...

Moilish Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T hings were a tad moiled this morning as we checked the surf, hoping for a bit of calm in the midst of the latest front to pass through.  However, atmospherically, things were incredibly clear and we had 25miles plus visibility as we gazed across the bay, under partly cloudy skies.  Winds were seriously on-shore by 8.3kts kicking to 12 to 15kts.  The sea surface was chopped just a bit short of white caps.  The air was 63.1° and the water is 64.8°.  High tide is at 10:20am +6.0' and low tide will be at 5:39pm +0.0'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 273° at 5.2'.  The resulting waves are a bit disorganized by an honest 3' to 5' even with the high tide.  The word on the beach is that it should straighten out a bit throughout the day and tomorrow should be the call.  Like always, it's worth a look... O ur second shot features Arlecchino, carrying on about Colombina's charms, in an effort to woo her in the manner of...
Lost Boys & Co... A s the sunset , we headed into the Crystal Nipple saloon.  Looked like Wyatt Earp channeling Pancho Villa, but it was just the Professor in his rehearsal dinner costume... A bit of coolness this morning with overcast skies and 5 miles visibility.  Winds are onshore by 3.3kts and the sea surface has a slight bumpy chop.  The air temp is 63.2° and the water is 64.9°.  High tide is at 9:06am +5.6' and low tide will follow at 4:01pm +0.1'.  46221 is reading a 3.0' swell out of 220° SW.  The wind is kinda blowing it down, so it's not looking deluxe... "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Third Estate Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " B uild it and they will come..."  So, we take it that if you set out the chairs and build a Chuppah or some similar structure, that a group will gather and an official will gravitate to the fore and some couple will feel so moved and before you know it - shazzam!  There are nuptials!  We know it's true - we saw it happen! C loudy this morning, with a chance of some showers throughout the day.  Visibility is 5 miles.  Winds are onshore at 5kts and appear to be variable to about 8-9kts.  The sea surface is sporting a thready chop and looking sloppy.  The air temp at checkout was 61° and the water is still trying to be 65.1°.  High tide is at 8:37am +5.7' and low tide will follow at 3:13pm +0.4'.  The buoy is reading a SW swell out of 218° at 2.6'.  By the time it sneaks it's way through the islands, kelp and flotsam we're calling it 1' to 2'.  Not looking good, BUT keep watching.  It's going to get better...

Wet Willy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hat came first, the chicken or the egg?  This discovery threw the whole question sideways.  You will recall that several years ago, on St. Patrick's Day, we discovered a potato tree, that totally altered our notion of that tuber (and we thought we knew a little about tubes!)  Not three minutes later, we saw these gigantic roosters combing (cocks-combing?) the area.  They could only be looking for one thing... R aining this morning with around one mile visibility at checkout.  Clouds are low and the wind is variable to 3kts from the north.  The sea surface has an oily bump to it.  The air temperature is 61.2° and the water is holding at 65.1°.  High tide is at 8:17am +5.5' and low tide will be at 2:42pm +0.7'.  Our regular buoy, the renegade 46221, is showing a SSW swell out of 204° at 3.0'.  It's a bit confused, bunching up at 1' to 2'.  Maybe we'll get a bit more punch as this system moves through... O ur t...

Tempest Tossed Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W ell, not exactly tempestuous, but it's what passes for a tempest in these parts.  We woke up to thunder and lightning and a bit of light rain falling on the lanai.  Meanwhile, Lawrence Moch, was heading down the bike path and caught this view from "Industrials" looking north to a bit of darkness.  Looks like Purpus is on his way to catch a few sliders between the rain drops... T hree miles visibility under cloudy skies, raining from time-to-time, heavy to light.  Winds out of the WNW variable to 10kts, with a light chop in most places.  The air temperature isn't exactly cold at 62.3° and the water is downright temperate at 65.7°.  High tide is at 7:57am +5.2' and low tide will be at 2:12pm +1.1'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 206°, 2.6'.  We're calling the resulting soupiness 1' to 2', looking like it's trying to become a real swell.  Maybe tomorrow... W e get mail... BEWARE Lost Boys are everywhere Ma...

Monster Mash Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P ay attention...  When you go to a costume party and you know there are going to be Lost Boys there, don't go in your weak-ass policeman costume or your postman-civil-servant get up (unless you've just gone postal) or even the Octo-Mom after having a C-Section.  Nope - you gotta get serious, Like Bobby Stasssi, who won the whole enchilada (burger?) with this great Bob Big Boy costume.  Dude, he WAS the Big Bob Boy!  Lookit that hair - PERFECT!  And in second place - yeah!  The Professor and LoLa as Freida Khalo and Salvador Dali!  Then there was Danny Quintilliani who was the Big Bad Wolf, opposite Toby's Red Riding Hood.  Damn, should'a seen those big white teeth...  We can't leave out Paul Miloe, who was channeling Johnny Depp/Cap'n Jack Sparrow.  Honestly, it was the eyeshadow that took it over the edge.  Almost Keith Richards...  If you've never been to the PTN fundraiser, you're missing a bet. ...

Putting the Fun In Function Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how people manage to take your photo at the worst time?  Erin Huling's entire wedding party was at the spa, getting their nails done, pedicures, eyebrows aligned and various other minor enhancements (because they're young and basically beautiful right off the starting line.)  But, of course, Mary Boontang had to take it one step farther and had her upper lip depilatated.  Now, you could hardly call her facial hair a mustache, but we are trying to look perfect for the nuptials!  On the other hand the Professor has grown his out!  Photo #2 features Erin in the center with two of her bridesmaids holding court... H eavy overcast this morning with a rather persistent drizzle basting the South Bay.  2 miles visibility, with winds out of the SW at 2.1kts.  The sea surface is glassy.  The air temp is 63.2° and the water is holding steady at 63.9°.  Low tide is at 11:17am +3.1' and high tide will follow at 4:45pm +4.5...

Only A Thimbleful Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Hey, isn't that chef Jaime from the Water Grill!  Well, don't that beat all!  He was busy firing up the mesquite for what amounted to one of the finest spreads we've seen since we supped at McCormick & Koletto's.  Those boys sure do know how to sear a tri-tip and braise a link of linguiça (of which we had 2.)  Yowzum! Two miles visibility under a pretty dense overcast this morning.  Fog in some of the lower corners, so stick to the straightaways.  Winds were preternaturally calm and the sea surface was eerily glassy.  The air temp was 62.5° and the water was 63.9°.  Low tide was at 9:21am +3.4' and high tide will follow at 3:10pm +4.6'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 199° at 3.0' and we're calling the resulting waves 2' to almost 3' (the 3' waves we saw were at El Portly.) Back in Kernville we espied this 1949 woody, complete with Velzy epoxy riding high on the wooden racks.  Both were a little too sli...

Weldon Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he sign on the wall reads:  "The Crystal Nipple Saloon."   You see Weldon, California, is a trailer park.  You might not realize it at a glance, but yes, those are double wides surrounded in shrubs, trees, vegetable gardens, lawn gnomes and sagebrush.  There is only one actual structure in the entire town.  You guessed it, it's the Crystal Nipple.  It has four or five tables, a full bar, a pool table and enough room for a postage stamp dance floor and a place for the band.  (The pic shows about half of the establishment.)  Evalyn and Bob "built it" and just like in the movies, "they came."  Every afternoon at 4pm they throw open the doors and they have happy hour.  On the night we were there happy hour went until just a little after midnight.  Just like Jimmy Buffet intended... O vercast this morning with some fog, which is waxing heavy at times.  ¼ to 3 miles visibility, (the Cove was socked in.) ...
Lost Boys & Co... T here are a lot of things we don't understand about photo #1.  Like, shouldn't there be more folks at this event?  Should Lefty have started without the rest of the group?  And why do they call him Lefty when he's eating with his right hand...? T he swell that started rolling in yesterday, continues this morning, as the day dawns above a canopy of overcast.  Visibility is 15 miles, winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature at checkout was 64.6° and the water is 62.6°, although it is feeling considerably warmer in the surfline.  Low tide is at 6:01am +2.8' and high tide will be at 12:31pm +5.5'.  Quite the opposite of last week, this weeks tides feature a compounding high, high-low combination.  That means, there's going to be a lot of water on this side of the globe this week.  We have a west swell out of 269° at 3.6', variable to 4.3'.  The surf is 3' to 4' and involves a lot of patience ...

How About A Fandango Friday Surf & Culture Report?

Lost Boys & Co... W ell, how about it... S o the Fresh Prince of Darkness and the Professor got invited to this photo/video shoot at an uber local location.  They had no idea what to expect and lo-and-behold they got what they expected.  Hoping for some interesting subject matter, they struggled with lights, overcame blocking dilemmas and ate pretty damned good lasagna from Scardino's.  As it turned out, they might have gotten some passable images to render into their own style of graphics...  The whole event was sponsored and produced by Ned Greene, shown setting a fill light at the bar... W hat you need to know about Happy Hour: Samba's  6pm  Outer Bar K inda seems like we're taking our time getting to the surf report, huh?  That's because the surf is pretty crappy.  However, we do have gorgeous clear skies and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 1.1kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 54.5° ...

Parsley, Sage Rosemary & Thyme Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W ith all that balsa, we thought a tailblock would be a good idea.  Ché, glues on this perfect wooden sandwich before shaping it to the proper contours...  Cory's going to rout out the hole left from the after-market fin box, so we can glue a bamboo plug before putting on the skeg... A ll the leaves are brown and the sky is gray, with some sun poking in and out of the clouds...  Geez, we have to stop listening to the Mama's and Papa's when doing the report!  15 miles visibility in most directions.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 59.2° and the water is 63.9°.  High tide at 9:11am +6.5' and low tide will follow at 3:41pm -0.5'.  A generous 7' swing, dropping a foot an hour after 9am.  The buoy is reading a deep SW swell out of 218° at 2.3'.  We're calling it 2' and breaking right on shore, floating through the high tide.  Watch it in case the lowering tide opens the...

Wetbar Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co.. . P hoto #1 this morning features Ché and Don Souther taking stock of this balsa board that was in the rafters of Don's garage for 20 or so years.  The Professor offered to buy the board and took it over to the Becker factory.  Ché expertly removed the dirtied, ancient glass to reveal a core in remarkably good shape.  Once again, Ché is showing the Professor how to reshape and clean up the blank and make it ready to be glassed.   Needless to say, his attention to detail is impressive!  We'll keep you up-to-date on the progress of this wooden horse... A little over a week ago we were sweltering in the heat and now it's raining.  Not that it's that unusual for this time of year, it's just the radical weather changes that make it so notable.  10 miles visibility under the cloudy, moisture laden ski es.  Winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy and actually quite picturesque.  The air temperature at checkout was 59.3° a...

Tu-Tu Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ast night we took a bike ride to Louey-Louie's and points north.  About 6:30 the sun was pancaking into the Pacific and shining under the cloud cover.  You'll recall that it rained a good portion of the day, but the sun came out in the last 45 minutes like it had been there all day.  Probably, just to get in the eyes of all the west bound drivers on the 10 before they hit the McClure Tunnel... A propos of nothing... As noted by NBC Connecticut, the Bridgeport cheerleaders' plea (to cover their midriffs) comes on the heels of a recent study of college cheerleaders, which found that college cheerleaders whose uniforms exposed midriffs faced a significantly higher risk of developing eating disorders . (And not frozen navels?  Can't be warm in Bridgeport this time of year...  Ed.) L ooked like we might get some sun this morning with partly cloudy skies and about 12 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 5.4kts and they blew the clou...

The Marcy Stink-Eye Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have Marcy Holmes out of the water in her work habitat, giving us the stink-eye for taking her pic and not jumping into the chair like she asked.  You might have caught her a couple of weeks ago ripping Topaz on one of those high tide days when the tidal push was creating some wicked little zippers.  She and Kevin split a peak that was probably the wave of the day!  Oh, yeah, and if you need a great haircut for the right price - you need to see Marcy! O ur second shot from Larrr, suggests that the grayness of the morning and the guys looking were more interesting than the surf.  And it is a similar view that greets us this morning.  Maybe it's a bit drizzlier, bordering on outright rain, but still gray and about a mile visibility.  Winds are onshore by 3.8kts gusting higher as the morning skids along.  Sea surface is sporting a heavy tack.  The air temperature is a cool 63.2° and the water is oddly checking in at 67...

Flagitious Friday Surf & Clture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " F ield conditions will be very good for planting today."  That's the word from the AccuWeather people this morning.  Maybe we should get that kale into the ground before conditions change for the worse... H appy Hour Tonight:  Sangria (Hermosa Plaza)  6:00pm  (It only goes until 7pm, you know, like an hour .) T he sun wobbled it's way up between a few clouds this morning and gave us about 15 miles visibility across the bay.  Winds were light out of the north and the sea surface was glassy with a slight bump.  The air temp was 66.7 and the water was 66.4.  The a.m. tides were close at 6:30am high, +3.6' and low tide following at 9:42am +3.4'.  The buoy is reading a 3.0' swell out of 211 SSW and we're calling it 1' to 3', with poor shape everywhere south of Hermosa.    R edondo got the win!!!!!!! With some help from Devon with some aces and some kills! (That's Devon Bogart coming out of the skies with a lightn...