Going Coastal Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, Danger Boy drives off into his 60th year and we just follow him to see what he's going to do next... M eanwhile, at Brother's this morning Birdie and Oscar were checking out the local conditions. Looks like they agree that it's looking pretty good! Of course they couldn't see the water from there... Speaking of Brother's, the combined team of the Brother's crew and the Lost Boys, once again, came in second in the Pitcher House Trivia Contest. They just can't seem to crack that #1 spot. For their next go-out they're talking about changing the team name to the "Lost Brothers." Kinda has a ring to it... A pparently, there has been a scheduling problem and you will now find summer appearing instead of fall. Yes, it is a bit crazy. Yes, this is much nicer than summer was. No, it's not going to last... 20 miles visibility this morning, with partly cloudy skies and beautiful views of Catalina and across the...