Weldon Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The sign on the wall reads:  "The Crystal Nipple Saloon."  You see Weldon, California, is a trailer park.  You might not realize it at a glance, but yes, those are double wides surrounded in shrubs, trees, vegetable gardens, lawn gnomes and sagebrush.  There is only one actual structure in the entire town.  You guessed it, it's the Crystal Nipple.  It has four or five tables, a full bar, a pool table and enough room for a postage stamp dance floor and a place for the band.  (The pic shows about half of the establishment.)  Evalyn and Bob "built it" and just like in the movies, "they came."  Every afternoon at 4pm they throw open the doors and they have happy hour.  On the night we were there happy hour went until just a little after midnight.  Just like Jimmy Buffet intended...

Overcast this morning with some fog, which is waxing heavy at times.  ¼ to 3 miles visibility, (the Cove was socked in.)  Winds turned onshore early, 2 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 61.9° and the water is 63.9°.  Low tide was at 7:07am +3.2' and high tide is at 1:37pm +5.0'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 194° at 3.0' and the beach breaks are 2' to 3', breaking right on shore and lined up.  We checked out the Cove and there were a few waves, but it looked like the tide was killing it and there was the slight matter of the fog, which was periodically rendering it invisible.

We have to apologize for not identifying all the folks in yesterday's photo.  Left to right:  Evalyn (Our hostess for the evening,) Matt Paine (the groom,) Suzi "Gidget" Paine, Will Pottersveld (groomsman and Matt's stepbrother) and LoLa.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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