Mosiac Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

In the aftermath of the Japanese tsunami a multitude of sea creatures were washed up on shore that hadn't been seen in quite a few years.  Lawrence Moch, sent us few shots showing some of the more obscure critters.  Some of these are rather deep water dwellers, which goes to show you the depth of the water that got dredged up and then across the land there.

Cloudy skies breaking into a rather sunny morning.  20 miles visibility with a slight haziness out there (waves hand.)  Winds have been offshore all morning, variable from 5 to 15kts.  The sea surface started out fairly bumpy and as the sun rose it got calmer and by 9am was pretty docile with only a residual bump and it actually stayed that way for a couple of hours.  The air temperature was 54.2° and the water was advertised at 57.4°, but felt more like 60 even.  High tide was at 9:36am +4.2' and low tide is at 2:39pm +1.3'.  Kinda surprisingly, the buoy said the swell was out of the west at 250° at 3.9' and it was!  3' to 5' is what we're calling it and Danger Boy, Ché, Sandy, the Professor, Vinny, Tommy, Skip, Boomerang Dan and Massa will all attest that it was better than it looked.  Some nicely shaped waves along with some sneaker outsides that kinda had everyone scratching their heads.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow - more head scratching - we'll have to take a look...

Our condolences to Doug Ball and his family on the passing of their father Emmet, yesterday in Hermosa Beach.  Emmet, was 85 and had waged a protracted battle with Parkinson's Disease over the last 15 years.  He had been in the Navy, was a National Park ranger and had a career as a mining engineer.  An interesting amalgam of your basic 20th century man in the western United States.  Must've had some great stories...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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