
Showing posts from July, 2011

Thrasonical Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y es...  Palm tree...  We like it.  We'll be there tomorrow.  No surf report until next Wednesday.  The water here is 67.6°.  On the Southshore it's 80°.  We'll return when we get our core temp up to normal... O vercast this morning with about 11 miles visibility.  Winds out of the south by 2.3kts and the sea surface had a slight ripple to it.  The air at checkout was 65.3° and the water was as we mentioned 67.6°.  High tide was at 9:27am +3.8' and low tide will follow at 1:58pm +2.3'.  The buoy is reading a SW swell out of 219° at 2.3'.  We're calling it 1' to 2' and poor to even poorer.  It's supposed to get bigger over the next couple of days, so there might be a bit more push for the weekend.  If we get a chance we'll send the Southshore conditions this weekend... ✠   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Wingtip Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F or openers we have an illustration of the Pacific Halibut.  We watched a guy swim out at the jetty this morning, home-style rubber band gun and 20 minutes later he was swimming back with a 34½" flattie.  It still had a lot of fight left and it almost swam him back in.  He immediately drew a small crowd, including Sanchez the lifeguard who had the measuring tape.  They've got to be 21" to be legal and this one made it easy.  Rooster has brought in some nice ones, but this is the biggest we've seen... O vercast this morning with 12 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore all morning, variable to 5.6kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was 66.5° and the water was trying with a 67.1° reading.  High tide at 9:01am +3.6' and low tide at 1:13pm +2.6'.  #46221 says SW swell out of 219° at 2.3' and we're going to agree with that and suggest that it was funner than it looked...  Yeah, funner.....

Tender Is The Night Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, we're a little bit obsessed with catching the green flash.  Close!  Randy Ruby caught one about 4 months ago, but he used a burst and he's got a better lens.  A couple of beautiful days in a row here and we caught a beautiful end to yesterday along the avenues.  Bet there's a similar killer sunset tonight! T his morning at checkout we had 20 miles visibility under clear skies.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy with just a touch of reverb from the tide.  The air temperature was 66.3° and the water was 66.7°, with all the sun it was just right.  High tide at 8:33am +3.3' and low tide will be at 12:20pm +2.7'.  The buoy was showing a west swell out of 267° at 3.0'.  We thought it was 3' to 3½' with some fun ones on both sides. ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Mortise & Tenon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hoa, another member of the "27 Year Old Dead Rock Stars Club." Okay, Amy Winehouse, was a train wreck, but you couldn't take your eyes off of her.  Great pipes, intriguing personality, mega-beehive, bitchin eye makeup and a penchant for the extreme.  Now she's joined Hendrix, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. B rilliant Sunny morning this Monday, with 20 miles visibility and only a few morning clouds.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  Water was clear as it gets with 20' visibility around the jetty.  The air temperature was 65.4° and the water was 64.0° at the buoy with a 68° recorded at Abalone Cove by Chick McIlroy.  High tide at 7:58am +3.1' and low tide at 11:12am +2.8', while we keep everything in the am.  Out of the SSW from 195°, we have a 2.3' swell, that the locals tell us should get a bit better as the week processes.  We say it was 2' and real small, but the weather was so n...

Thirteen for Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co ... T he eyes have it... T he thirteen in the subject line today refers to how many surfing days we've had in a row.  17 out of 20 and 21 out of 24 if we dip back into June.  It's been a fantastic first half of summer, even if the water has been a bit chilly.  5 miles visibility this morning with a really low ceiling and heavy overcast.  Winds kicked up early out of the SW by 3.4kts and the surface was considerably hacked in no time.  The air temp was 63.5° and the water is still not cooperating at 62.1°.  Low tide was at 7:29am +1.4' and high tide will follow at 2:24pm +4.5'.  The buoy is fielding a SSW swell out of 209° at 2.6' and it's probably just that, but the small surf, wind and gray have conspired to keep us out of the water this morning.  Of course, if the sun breaks out and the afternoon unfolds warm and less windy, it might make for a fun pm session...  keep watching... W arfarin cont.   It's rumored to...

Warfarin Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... "S ir, please stay in the vehicle and keep both hands on the steering wheel..." O k, we don't see much TV these days.  But we're over at Gen's (and yes, thank you, she's doing pretty good) and we caught a few commercials with bits of "Caddyshack" in between.  One of these commercials was for "Warfarin."  We thought it was kinda funny that they would name a drug warfarin, like it was doing "warfare" against evil shit in your body.  But then we kept thinking, "Isn't there something already called "warfarin?"  So we hied it back to our old Merriam-Webster's College edition and lo and behold, there it was, "warfarin."  "war-far-in n [ W isconsin A lumni R esearch F oundation (it's patentee) + coum arin ]:  a crystalline anticoagulant compound used as a rodent poison and in medicine."  YES, this is the stuff that makes rat poison so doggone effective.  They eat som...

Kookaspazzaluka Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A fter riding Manhattan and points north for ages, Big Wave Dave Stromath made his way back to the avenues and had a session with his old buds.  He got some nice waves and it seemed just like old times! A nother clear morning with 20 miles visibility.  Winds were calm at checkout but quickly kicked up to 3 to 5kts out of the SW causing a light chop in close.  The air temperature was 63.2° and the water at the buoy was reported at 61.5°, although it seemed more like in the mid-60's.  Low tide at 6:32am +0.4' and high tide is at 1:06pm +4.5'.  It's a SW swell out of 226° at 3.3' and it was a solid 3' to 4' with some of the best summer surf we've seen in quite a while... 9 Things... Thanx to isn't his name actually "X-9 Balls" for darkening my day with a reality dip.  I've known increasingly about these things for some time.  It's depressing, for the most part, but that's it.  I suppose the upcoming genera...

Mandala Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e used to do profiles, but we kinda got out of the habit because you know everyone.  But it's been a long time so we thought it might be good if we caught up a bit.  Our photo this morning feature Vince Toyama.  You probably know Vince as the head surf coach at Bishop Montgomery, but did you also know that he's an Emmy Award winner?  NO, not one of those lame awards that you get for being a participant or recognition for being part of the "team" that built a tunnel through to Tehachapi.  No, this was an Emmy for his artwork for the series "Transformers Prime."  If you haven't seen it yet, check it out on line.  Great stuff and a real honor to be recognized by your peers!  If you want to congratulate him, take it easy when you shake his hand - he's an artiste! T he sun came up like a flaming mandala this morning, suggesting the entire universe wrapped up in one fiery ball.  Clear skies and 19 miles visibility, with jus...

A Little Flab On The Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know when Webster's first recognized the noun "flab?"  1951.  You'd have thought that there was flab around before then.  Maybe folks were just in a helluva lot better shape in the old days.  Or maybe they just didn't call it flab.  Maybe they called it pudge.  No, that's not even in the dictionary.  Wait, pudgy is!  So you could be pudgy and get along just fine.  That is until 1951 and it turned to flab...  That sucks... P hoto #1 is Danger Boy with his iridium coated, optically correct, 3-D anti-shadowing, anti-distortion, anti-ghosting, low reflectivity, high contrast goggles.  You might remember in episode XXI of the Danger Boy Chronicles, he battled the Foam Ball Bandit, for the Burning Spartan Spear.  Part of the swag he got from that battle were the goggles.  Oh, yeah and the utility belt... P artly cloudy skies with the sun ricocheting off the clouds and making for perfect Simpson skies....

He Went Thataway Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O vercast this morning with 12 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the WSW by 5.2kts and there was a bit of light chop on the sea surface.  The air was 64.2° and the water was feeling warmer than the buoy's 64.6°.  High tide at 10:18am +4.1' and low tide will follow at 3:04pm +2.0'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 196° at 4.6' and despite the hard south it's still making the turn and we had 4' to 5' waves.  Some of the outsides were big thicks with these jacking faces.  Tomorrow could be fun.  Tide starts way low with a -1.1' and goes up about a foot an hour until just about 11am.  That's about 6 hours of tide push...  Ya gotta go look...  L ike the Infante said, "LOOK!" Over there...! ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Wolframite Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y es, it's the lair of the Rastafarian!  He lives there.  That's his surfboard.  "Rasta" Pete is old Hermosa.  Laid back, knows everyone and can tell a swell is coming the day before.  He's got one of the best Reggae collections on the planet and might have the best moves on the dance floor no matter where you find him.  More than likely though, it'll be Naja's on Saturday afternoon... O vercast skies this morning with sun trying to break through the clouds.  15 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the south by 6.3kts and the sea surface was lightly chipped.  The air temperature was 65.3° and the water was a chilly 64.9°.  High tide was at 9:40am +4.0' and low tide is at 2:17pm +2.1'.  We've got a predominantly south swell out of 186°.  The buoy says 3.6' and it's a fair call at 3' to 4' with some nice thick outsides.  Best on the rising tide...  Get some... ✠ " When the surf breaks, we'll fix i...

Time & Tide Wait For No Man Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T ime & tide wait for no man and we've combined them in a new timepiece from Nixon to make sure we're not too late for either one.  A few minor problems:  1.  It doesn't exactly tell you how high or low the tide is.  If you could read the 4pt. type, you might be able to count the dots on the way up the scale, which maxes out at 8' and goes down to a minus 3'.  2.  Although the vertical bar is ostensibly the "time" axis, it has a negative to positive reading with the bar at "0."  Just by glancing, one might think  that it suggested "plus" and "minus" tides, but instead it appears to tell you how much time you have until the next tide or by how much you missed the previous tide.  3.  Every so often, we bend our wrist enough to change the mode to "Tide," in which case the time function is now at the upper right and you have the flashing numerical tide equivalents below the display.  You have t...

I'd Walk A Mile Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ne of our favorite palindromes, this time recited by Murphy.  Of course as James Ray Buffalo "Spook" Campbell was often fond of saying, "All you have to do is remember ROTAS."  We've never forgotten... O vercast this morning and not in a hurry to clear up.  10 miles visibility, for those who are true of heart.  Winds were out of the south by 5kts and the sea surface was smooth to just a hint of chop.  The air temperature was 67.2° and the water has dropped a couple to 66.0°.  High tide is at 8:07am +3.5' and low tide will be at 12:27pm +2.3.  Not very low.  We've got a SSW swell out of 206° trying to turn the corner and give us some waves.  The buoy says 3.9' but we're thinking it was just a bit smaller and kinda inconsistent.  We'll call it 2' to 3' and fair.   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Front Runner Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L et's start out with that UFO that Harry Johnson has for sale.  Nice, very nice.  Heard he wants 500 samolians or Somalians or the equivalent in USD.  OBO.  You NEED a UFO for your collection... S o we all heard that there was a lot of south in this swell, so no one really-high tailed it down to the checkout this morning.  LoLa ran at 5:30am and said it was small.  So we pull up at 7:30 and there's a little less than 12 miles visibility under a hazy sky.  Winds are up out of the SW by 5.3kts and the sea surface has a pronounced ripple-almost-a-chop.  The air temp was 68.2° and the water was the devil's own 66.6°.  Low tide was at 9:08am +1.4' and high tide will follow at 4:12pm +5.3'.  But the buoy suddenly jumped up to 3.6' on a 215° SW swell.  It was enough to give us a few good ones and we're calling it 3' to almost 4' and fair to fun, with funner outsides. M eanwhile, summer is the time for BBQing and thi...

Capt. Neem-Oil Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R egarding yesterday's piggy photo... Boomfwappa says: where's the Bacon.....was that a quad pig.... No arms & legs? (If you cook the piggy correctly the feets jump right off and end up at the bottom of the cooker/pit.  Then you take'm and make "pigglsed pigsfeets."   Ed.) B ringing charismatic greetings the sun leapt into a hazy sky this morning with 12 miles visibility.  Winds started on right away, at 3.4kts and a light ripple on the water.  Should get up to around 10kts by the pm.  Air temp is 69.0° and the water is 67.1°, although Willy Brown told us that he's been swimming through some 70° degree patches between the HB & MB piers.  Low tide is at 8:17am +0.8' and high tide will follow at 3:15pm +5.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 212° at 2.6', but most of that is south, so we're only getting about 1' and poor to poorer shape.  If anything happens it'll be at the tide push, but it's pretty meager.....

Suddenly Last Summer Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S uddenly, Birdie, had this tightness in his chest and his left side felt heavy...  Then he noticed that Ivan was hanging on to him and squeezing his boob.  No, no, this was a good thing.  Different cultures show their affection in different ways.  Ivan is from west Torrance... H azy sunniness this morning with a bit of the hazies and 7 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the west early by 3.4kts and the sea surface couldn't wait to be rippled up.  The air temperature was 69.0° and the water was 66.7°.  Low tide was at 7:33am +0.2' and high tide will be at 2:22pm +4.9'.  The 46221 buoy tells us that we have a SSW swell out of 207° at 2.3'.  We're calling it 2', but you can go out there and get a few knee slappers, laugh a bit and have as much fun as the guys that are going to close the 405...  Maybe MORE! Mail Pouch Professor, no surf report from Tokyo today, sorry. But little Thomas Vartan Rucker arrived on th...

You'll Be Sorry Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ast week we reported that Sandy Malpee had gotten a nasty note stuck on her car suggesting that she wasn't properly handicapped to be able to park in the disabled parking spot #1 right there on Topaz St. and the Esplanade.  So we're warning you - if you want to use surfing as any kind of therapy, you'd better not park there.  But Sandy, being smarter and a measure better humored, decided to throw a party in honor of the shortsighted (which sounds like a handicap to us, but not one you should have and drive.)  So armed with chips, snacks, coffee and various fun foods, Sandy and Edrina have camped in that spot for the entire day.  We joined them for a cup of coffee and some chips and gawked back at all the folks cruising by and wondering what was going on.  If you have a few minutes, drop by and join in the devilment.  It was remarkably satisfying... H azy, but sunny skies this morning and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were early ...

Lawyers, Guns & Money Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Happy July 4th! Remember the linguiça luau at the Professor's this evening!    516 Paseo de las Estrellas, RB 90277 If you're lost call 310-373-5138 Starts at 5pm and goes until those tiki torches come on and the fireworks start. Rumor has it that there will be a barge once again this year! H azy this morning and with any luck it will all burn off and we can enjoy a bit of sun spot activity.  5 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy at checkout.  The air was 62.3° and the water was a nice 66.2°.  Low tide starts out the morning at 6:14am -0.7' and high tide is at 12:52pm +4.4'.  Some nice beach combing north of the Topaz Jetty and north to between the pier.  Still minus tomorrow, if you have a mind to expand your sea glass collection.  The buoy was reading a SSW swell out of 200° at 2.3'.  Looking like 1' and poor right now, but Sandy's thinking that there will be a bit of a push......

Another Flashbak Friday Surf & Culture Report...

Lost Boys & Co... S o we run into this guy and he says he's the most interesting man in the world.  He says this and we're thinking, "Naw, we know Ted Claire, Danger Boy and Ché, so he's not even in the top three..."  When the Professor told him this, he got kinda huffy.  So the Professor suggested he just toddle off and have a Dos Equis or something...  We had a martini... W here the hell were you this morning?  Robert Stassi made it, along with Ché, Danger Boy, Sandy, Mark the Pool Man, Vinny, Johnny Siskowic, Elle Inscore, Ben and the Professor.  A good crew, some fun waves and it looked like summer.  20 miles visibility, under clear skies.  Winds were calm and then picked up out of the west, brushing things to a light chop.  The air temp was 65.3° and the water was 65.8°.  High tide was at 11:00am +3.9' and low tide will follow at 3:32pm +2.2'.  The buoy lied about it being a 2.6' swell out of 205° SSW.  It was more li...