Warfarin Wednesday Surf & Culture Report
Lost Boys & Co...
"Sir, please stay in the vehicle and keep both hands on the steering wheel..."
Ok, we don't see much TV these days. But we're over at Gen's (and yes, thank you, she's doing pretty good) and we caught a few commercials with bits of "Caddyshack" in between. One of these commercials was for "Warfarin." We thought it was kinda funny that they would name a drug warfarin, like it was doing "warfare" against evil shit in your body. But then we kept thinking, "Isn't there something already called "warfarin?" So we hied it back to our old Merriam-Webster's College edition and lo and behold, there it was, "warfarin." "war-far-in n [Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (it's patentee) + coumarin]: a crystalline anticoagulant compound used as a rodent poison and in medicine." YES, this is the stuff that makes rat poison so doggone effective. They eat some of the bait and go off and bleed internally until they go to mousy heaven. That makes us even feel more uneasy about a place like Wisconsin where they would make that kind of shit.
Overcast this morning with 10 miles visibility and the foggies banging away just overhead. Winds out of the south pretty early at 5.7kts, making it a light chop and making us think we needed a little more kick in the schnoz. Air temperature was 65.0° and the water at the buoy was a sad 62.1°, a good 10 degrees under the usual for this time of year
. Low tide was at 7:00am +0.9' and high tide is at 1:43pm +4.5'. We have a SW swell out of 225° at 3.0' and the waves were 3.0' and Hudson was making them look like they were bigger and better than they were. Supposed to be bigger tomorrow. Whaddya think...?
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!
The Professor!!