Waves Are Coming Wednesday Surf & Culture Report
Lost Boys & Co... S o, LoLa and the Professor are heading down to El Salvador in October and they thought it would be a good idea to get the recommended panel of shots. Turns out the Professor has had either the shots or the diseases already, so he only needed the typhoid shot. The nurse was this kind, middle-aged, matronly looking woman. She asked the Professor what arm he'd prefer to have inoculated. He said, "The left." and rolled up his sleeve. She looked at the heart he has tattooed on his shoulder and said, "This is as good as a bullseye!" Sticking him, she then continued, "Last week I had this guy come in and he had a big tattoo of Jesus face on his arm. I stuck Jesus right in the eye!" Okay, okay, it's one thing to have a nurse with a sense of humor, it's entirely something else to have a satanist working on you... Thank you nurse Mengele, that will be all... O vercast this morning with 10 miles visibility....