Tommy Gun Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The big question this morning was:  Where do you get 11' long balsa?  Well, apparently Dick Brewer knows.  But he didn't tell Bob Barnes or Mangiagli or Ché.  So, we all considered this 11' foot long Brewer, "Surfboards Hawaii" and wondered.  The darker strips off the center line are actually male balsa and they are used to add density.  It was at the factory because when Randy Rarick sent it to Bob Barnes, some oaf must've dropped it on it's nose and snackled the schnoz.  You can bet it will look like a million when the crew gets through with it.  Of course, that brings up another question altogether:  How much do you think it's worth?

Overcast this morning and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were early out of the west at 3.4kts and the sea surface had a distinct ripple to it.  The air temp and water were both 65.7° and we stuck to our long pants this morning.  High tide is at 9:20am +4.3' and low tide will follow at 2:20pm +2.0'.  The 46221 buoy tells us that we have a SSW swell out of 210° at 3.0'.  That's dropped through the day and the surf has never gotten over about 2'.  Everyone keeps saying it's supposed to get better and you can bet that's true!

Then we have this elaborate doorbell system at the St. Francis apartments.  It's only made more byzantine by the lack of corresponding labeling.  Can you imagine what it looks like from the back?  Rasta Pete's bell is the 4th down on the right.  Do you know how many we rang before we got his?     ✠
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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