
Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Halloween Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o what are you going trick or treating as tonight?  We never get tired of the mustache, big nose, bushy eyebrows and glasses.  Okay, so all we need is the glasses... S tarted out clear this morning, but the fog quickly turned on it's heels when the wind changed and came right up Pier Ave. and just sat there like a big white Persian cat.  Visibility was 10 miles to 5 blocks, depending.  Winds were offshore by 1.1 kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature is 55.1° and the water is 61.2°.  Look for low tide at 6:30am +2.9' and high tide at 12:47pm +5.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206° at 2.0' and that's translating itself to 1' smallish conditions.  But it's not like that everywhere... N o, you could be in El Salvador right now and it would be head-high...  Then again, they started out a couple of weeks ago with torrential rains and muddy, swollen rivers and impassable highways.  Photo #1 shows Leon...

El Tunco Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   I have the best time with these fo%re"ig# n keyboards...   Too much to tell in one short e-mail!  Have surfed Roca Sunzal 3 times now and it´s getting bigger day by day.  Unfortunately, it{s been crowded as well.  Taking lots of pics and there's a guy on the beach who's taking surfing photos.  Mark the Poolman has been on fire!   We'll try and run some photos tomorrow!   El Salvador is a beautiful country and the people are really sweet.  Quite a destination!   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Fartbarf Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e have always been fascinated with the names of bands.  Maybe it started with the Meat Puppets or The Vapors, it doesn't matter.  So when we saw that Fartbarf was going to be at Brixton, we could hardly contain ourselves.  Can you imagine how difficult it was to come up with that name?  You gotta imagine that half the band was holding out for Barfart.  But wait, there could be some confusion, like BAR-fart could be flatulence experienced at your local pub.  On the other hand Barf-ART could be something related to a Technicolor yawn on canvas.  So Fartbarf it is!  Wait a minute...  That means "Barfart" is still available!  "Hey guys, we're putting the band back together..." A nother warm, beautiful morning with some high cirrus clouds streaking across the sky.  15 miles visibility, with some light haze on the beach.  Winds were lightly offshore at 1.1kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp...

Three Stage Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P hoto #1 today features Ailidh Sheldon skiing out into calm water after a scoring wave in the Kick Off Classic event at Torrance Beach.  So how do you pronounce "Ailidh?"  Well, it's like Haley without the "H."  Photos 2 & 3 feature Sara Curren (Girl's Long Board) on a nice outside wrap around.  She did a right go left and got some major points on the wave.  In a super tough final she ended up getting a fifth and we're pretty sure she'll be doing quite a bit better as the season unfolds.  If that wasn't enough, she also got a 6th in Girls Short Board!  Redondo finalists were: 6th:  Girl's Shortboard         Sara Curren 5th:  Girl's Shortboard         Katie Parkinson 5th:  Girl's Longboard          Sara Curren 5th:  Boys Longboard        ...

Warm Up Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nother Sapphire local Elle Enscore milks this little left in photo 1. all the way in for some valuable points.  In one heat Elle was the only one who caught a rideable wave and advanced on the credit of that single ride!  Lesson learned:  Ride'em all the way to the beach! A gorgeous morning today with some marine haze and 10 miles visibility.  The full moon was setting in the west and it's reflection on the water and the lights on the piers made for some real Kodak moments.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 65.9° and the water was a cool 63.7°.  High tide was at 9:32am +5.8' and low tide was at 4:14pm +0.3'.  The buoy was reading a west swell out of 262° at 3.3' and we're calling it 3' with some bigger thick outsides.  The class this morning in Hermosa featured two broken boards!  The backwash from the high tide was launching some of the kids and they were hitting the bot...

Terrestrial Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   H ere we have a Terrestrial Tuesday and you need a little terra firma too look down upon and find your way in the foggies.  But you didn't need to worry last Saturday as the South Bay Surf League took to the bounding main and showed their aquatic prowess.  Not the least among them was the Redondo High Surf Team and they had quite a good showing.  But for starters, we thought we'd show 3 of the competitors who call Sapphire their home break.  So, take a look at Chanele Catuogno, Dave Fillman and Silver Destouet.  Thanks to Marty-Cam for sharing some of the video! M eanwhile this morning we had alternately foggy skies with occasional breaks.  Visibility would get down to a ¼ mile and then clear up.  Must be hot inland...  Winds started out calm and then turned on lightly, shoving the fog in, while the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a dampish 59.1°and the water was downright wet at 63.0°.  High tide was at...

Floating Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ot easy to see, but in photo #1 we have a few hearty souls braving the outfall and ensuing bacterial infestation that comes with the first rain.  We looked at it, weighed the obvious variables (water color, warning signs, size of the surf and quality of the waves) and decided we'd give it a bye.  It actually got better as the morning progressed...  A gorgeous Southern California fall day.  Sunny and 22 miles visibility, with a light offshore breeze at 1.3kts.  The sea surface was smooth, sporting a light roll.  The air temp was 52.9° and the water was 60.8°, although it felt warmer than that in the surf.  High tide was at 7:42am +4.9' and low tide will follow at 1:32pm +1.7'.  The 46221 buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 206° at 4.6'.  It seems to be diminishing, but the surf was in the 3' to 5' range all morning... P hoto #2, has James Wheatley checking out this two-toned job.  It's not air brushed, that's actu...

The Dots Will Connect Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his weekend the Sacred Craft Surfboard Expo is taking place down in Del Mar.  We were lucky enough to get invited down to the factory to get a few snaps of some of the boards that are going on display.  We're just going to start out with the our faves and then some of the other entrants.  Photo #1 is Ché's entry and far and away our favorite.  A rare mixture of foam and balsa, he admitted it was a bear to shape.  The differing densities of the materials created a real challenge and it took him hours to get it just right.  When you see it in person it really pops out at you.  The craft is impeccable, finished with an absolutely flawless glass job.  We're betting it will be the star of the auction.  #2 and #3 feature Don Kadowaki's double wing round-pin with a 6-channel half-pipe bottom and glassed on bamboo fins.  A real geometry problem, it wasn't only tough to shape but difficult to glass and polish.  Fred ...

Wrainy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A rt shot out the window.  Rainy days seem to encourage creativity... C loudy and light to heavy rain at times.  Like right now - it's coming down with some authority.  1 mile visibility and winds are out of the south-east at 6.9kts.  The sea surface is rolling with a bit of side wake, but not choppy as yet.  The air temperature is a mild 60.1° and the water is dipping to 61.3°.  High tide is at 6:35am +4.3' and low tide rolls out at 11:46am +2.7'.  We're looking at a west swell out of 265° at 3.6'.  We're calling it 3' to 4' but a bit crashy and disorganized...  The wind is picking up, so get in the lee of something...  I n photo #2 we have these guys who claim to be No. 1.  Then in photo #3 we have these guys who must be #2.  We're not sure about their numerical status, but they look like a real pair to draw to...  (#2  Tim & Steve Burke, #3 Boomfwappa & the Professor)   ✠ ...

Tournedos Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T ournedos, not tornadoes...  You know, like the small beef fillet... L ookin' just like fall is supposed to look.  A bit of rain on the side window (photo #1) and cloudy skies, with a bit of blue showing here and there.  Clouds are supposed to increase and full on stormy conditions should prevail tomorrow.  15 miles visibility in all the cardinal directions.  Wind is onshore, but relatively light at 3.4kts and smooth to a light ripple.  The air temperature is 61.3° and the water is 62.4°.  Low tide is at 10:12am +3.1' for your wading pleasure and high tide will be at 4:10pm +5.0'.  There's a WSW swell out of 257° running at 2.3'.  Right now it's looking about 1' to 2', but that should be on the increase and depending on the wind, there could be some waves tomorrow or even this afternoon... L ast Saturday we went to the best Buddhist wedding we've ever attended...  Okay, it was the only Buddhist wedding we've ever...

Motile Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere's just what the doctor ordered - a top-fuel powered margarita blender.  We have no idea what it'll top out at, but we do know that it renders the ice so far into suspension that you could make a martini-cicle that would glue your tongue to the damned thing for an hour...  Photo #2 shows our own version of mixing it up - this time in the white water... P artly cloudy this morning with 20 miles visibility and just a hint of fall in the air.  Winds were onshore early at 5.2kts and the sea surface had an energetic chop going.  The air temperature was 62.3° and the water was a tick lower at 62.2°.  Low tide was at 8:07am +3.1' and high tide was at 2:35pm +5.2'.  Our 46221 buoy was reading a west swell out of 261° at 3.3' and we're calling it 3' with some fuller outsides to chest high...  Looked like fun!   ✠   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!