Terrestrial Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...
Here we have a Terrestrial Tuesday and you need a little terra firma too look down upon and find your way in the foggies.  But you didn't need to worry last Saturday as the South Bay Surf League took to the bounding main and showed their aquatic prowess.  Not the least among them was the Redondo High Surf Team and they had quite a good showing.  But for starters, we thought we'd show 3 of the competitors who call Sapphire their home break.  So, take a look at Chanele Catuogno, Dave Fillman and Silver Destouet.  Thanks to Marty-Cam for sharing some of the video!

Meanwhile this morning we had alternately foggy skies with occasional breaks.  Visibility would get down to a ¼ mile and then clear up.  Must be hot inland...  Winds started out calm and then turned on lightly, shoving the fog in, while the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a dampish 59.1°and the water was downright wet at 63.0°.  High tide was at 9:11am +5.7' and low tide will be at 3:43pm +0.4'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 250° at 3.0' and we caught a few with the Coach at Torrance, about waist high with a little high tide bounce...   ✠

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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