Eleven-Eleven-Eleven Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, here are the Professor & LoLa with Paulo Suarez, the El Salvadorian futból sensation and his son.  Paulo had just got finished vanquishing the Honduran team by scoring two of El Salvador's three goals.  He obliged our request to take his photo and then turned to the Professor and said, "Wait, I think I know you!  Are you Ubaldo Fillol, the famous Argentinian goalkeeper?"  As much as he wanted to claim that he was "El Pato," the Professor demurred and said that he wasn't.  Then, Pablo said, "Wait, you're the Coach!"  The Professor shook his head and said, "Nope, I'm the Professor."  Whereupon his son looked at the Professor and said, "Tu tienes un nariz grande!"  Olé!...

It's one of those mornings when the mom's in Hermosa bring the kids down to the beach and they ride their snow saucers down the 20' berm they've built up.  Anywhere else it would be snow...  Cloudy skies with 17 miles visibility.  Winds are blowing from every point on the compass and the sea surface is a confused ripple.  The air temp at checkout was 63.2° and the water is a chilly 58.8°.  High tide was at 8:25am +6.1' and low tide will follow at 3:37pm -0.2'.
Right now the buoy is reading a west swell out of 269° at 2.0', but it appears to be coming up as predicted and we saw some chest high sets come through Hermosa.  Let's see what the day has to unfold...

Happy hour this evening at "W's China Bistro."  Putting the "beast" in bistro.  On PCH in Redondo, between Ave. F and G.  5:30pm sound good to you?  Okay...

Sun-God worship, like it does, getting in the way of her normal routine.  LoLa sizing up Temple #5 in Tikal.

Photo #3  Suggesting that if you shake the family tree hard enough...   ✠
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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