Whale Of A Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, look up...  Now look down...  Yeah, it's a pretty great wall.  (If you look closely at the parapet on the tower you can see LoLa waving to the crowds.  Yes, she went all the way to the top, checked on things in Mongolia and came down...  Ed.)

Another Gorgeous day in the land that the reciprocating engine made possible.  An honest 20 miles visibility and no clouds to speak of, and certainly no fog like yesterday.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was smooth to almost glassy. The air temperature jumped to 64.1° and the water was reported 53.6°at the buoy.  Roddy Wilson took the temps this morning at Hermosa Pier and pulled a 59° reading!  We're calling it about 56-57°, but we like the enthusiasm of that 59.  High tide is at 7:55am +4.4' and low tide will be at 1:24pm +0.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205° at 3.3' and we're calling it 3' and really good.  Really.

Mail's Here...
And relations with China were already strained . . .
 Big Daddy
(We're not sure who they're strained with, Disney is building a $3.7 BILLION Disneyland outside of Shanghai, due to open in 2015 and in the last week they partnered up with Tencent Holdings Ltd. and DMG Entertainment to do Ironman #3...  They did however review the Professor's contract...   Ed.)

Boomfwappa says:  the 5 fwy is the only freeway that goes all the way up and down the state...the 405 starts in Irvine (some would argue El Toro) and stops in the north end of the San Fernando Valley...where it joins up again with the 5 fwy...of course unless your going from north to south then it starts...ah...well you get it....that's what Boomfwappa says
(Once again Boomfwappa is absolutely right...  We got carried away...  But not by the 5...   Ed.)

It's a whale of a Tuesday because when we hit the water this morning we paddled out and imagined we saw something floating outside.  Our first thought was that it was that guy who jumped off the pier on Sunday.  So we paddled closer and it kept getting bigger and bigger and lo-and-behold it wasn't a body but an entire whale!  A big gray just munching along through the krill.  We sat there and watched from about 30' away and then decided to see how close we could come without scaring it away.  We took a few paddles and then it sounded.  It was down for about a minute and then came up about 20' away, heading straight for us!  It blew and made some whale noises and then looked at us, with that big whaly eye and dove right underneath and circled around.  We just sat there spinning from the wake.  It was so cool!  It came up about three more times and then just headed out...  That'll make your morning!

 "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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