
Showing posts from May, 2012

Wattle & Daub Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his kinda shit scares us...  You know somebody's in there who's just ready to pop.  Maybe even a postal worker - somebody like that.  It's mostly Chuckie's girlfriend, that really creeps us out... C lear skies again this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds were early out of the SSW initially by 1.9kts and then picking up to about 7kts, creating a light chop that was enough to rough things up a bit.  The air temperature was 59.9° and the water was 62.4°.  The Professor wore his shorty, but suggested that if it had been one degree cooler he would have stayed with long rubber.  Hot blooded types will be fine though...  High tide was at 5:32am +3.5' and low tide was an am at 11:20am +1.1', so no radical deviations.  We had a west swell out of 267° at 4.6', but it turned early to SSW and we mellowed down to a bumpy 3' to 4' with some fatter outsides. T here were so many staples in this telephone pole that our compass...

Another Taco Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " I tell you I can feel them!  They're all around us!  Young people!  Getting closer and closer!" Hamilton cartoon caption L ots of weird shit in San Francisco, like this inflatable lotus blossom.  Okay, if the Dali Lama likes it, we like it...  if not, not so much... A beautiful morning here in Southern Lotus Land...  20 miles visibility under clear skies.  Winds were offshore by 5.5kts and the sea surface had a pronounced rolling bump, but not exactly bumpy.  Air temperature was 63.1° and the water was a temperate 63.0°, but felt warmer.  Like 65 in the clinches.  Low tide was late at 10:27am +0.8' and high tide will be at 5:25pm +4.8'.  We have a west swell out of 267° at 3.6', but it's so straight we've got the magnification factor going and it was 4' to 6'.  The outsides were climbing the wall!  Buck was in town and showing us what 5 fins will do...  Some good ones... O kay, looks like ev...

Flailing Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ethal Keithal wrote and suggested it's just a matter of time before he has an ocean view from his kitchen window... A n adventure out there this morning!  A hazy ball of sun in the sky and 15 miles visibility.  Wind was on from the get-go from 5 to 10kts and the sea surface was bumped and trying to go beyond choppy.  The rebound from the jetty was a tad hectic at times.  The air temp was 58.8° and the water was 61.9° at the buoy, but felt more like 64° in the surfline.  High tide at 9:13am +3.7' and low tide follows at 2:12pm +1.7'.  We have a west swell out of 261° and although it's registering 4.3' at the buoy, but it's looking more like 5' to 7' on the beach. T he A team was out and Vinny was burning the place up!  He was taking off big and late and making everything.  Billy Mac, kept waiting for the right slab to charge on, but he seemed to be off the peak a bit.  Still looked extremely good!  He was on it a...

Thrifty Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, you get three choices:    1. Venice, Italy   2. Venice, California   3. Redondo Beach, California T hree beautiful days in a row!?  In May!  Unheard of...  A bit of local haze, but mainly clear skies and 7 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore at go-out by 5.1kts and the sea surface still has a bit of residual bump from the offshore winds.  The air temp was 61.5° and the water was 62.1°.  High tide was at 8:32am +3.7' and low tide will follow at 1:43pm +1.5'.  The buoy is sporting a SSW swell out of 203° at 4.3'.  We'll call it 3' to a short 5', but good fun and some nicely shaped waves... Regarding the orcas attacking the baby Gray Whale: I know, isn't that something?  It was pretty big news.  Do you think they'd attack guys on paddleboards? TJ (We painted the bottom of our surfboard black and white so they think we're on their side!   Ed.) Question:  Why is the surf alw...

Boat Drink Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S omehow, we didn't get the trash photo in the report a couple of issues ago.  We'll try it one more time.  How many empty calories do you think that represents?... T he swell is holding up and so is the weather!  Clear skies and 15 miles visibility with a bit of marine haze floating low above the water.  Winds were calm at checkout, but the sea surface had a definite bounce to it.  Looks like it must be blowing out at sea.  The air temperature was 62.6° and the water was 61.9°, still hanging in those low sixties.  High tide was at 7:44am +3.7' and low tide will be at 1:11pm +1.3' for a 5' tidal swing throughout the day.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 271° at 4.3' and since it's coming right down the alley the surf is 4' to 5' with some nice fat ones. P hoto #2 was on the 500 block of the Esplanade and features a night heron.  Being daytime it was a treat to see it so close.  If you're interested in seei...

Trial By Jury Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ooking west from the Hermosa Beach Lifeguard Headquarters, LoLa thinks this is a great place to show up for work every day! U nder clear skies this morning we had 20 miles visibility and light offshore winds by 4.1kts.  The sea surface was sporting a slight bump.  The air temperature was 60.6° and the water has dipped to 60.4°, but it felt warmer than that in the water.  High tide was at 6:48am +3.3' and low tide was near mid-day at 12:34pm +1.0'.  We had a SSW swell out of 207° at 4.3' and we're calling it 3' to 5' with some waves big enough to break through the tide. ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Make Mine A Malted Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e understand selling the wheels when the ash trays are full, but this is ridiculous!  It was entirely candy wrappers as far as we could tell... A n absolutely gorgeous morning!  Clear skies and 25 miles visibility.  Winds were variable onshore, but about 1.9kts at checkout and the sea surface was bumped and lumped.  The air temperature was 57.2° and the water was 61.7° art the buoy and Roddy Williams dipped 64° at the Hermosa Pier at 8am.  High tide was at 5:38am +3.8' and the low was also an am tide at 11:50am +0.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207° reading 4.3'.  We'll call it 3' to 4' outsides with fair to poor shape.  It's windy this afternoon, so let's hope it calms down and we have some straight smoke in the am and glassed conditions... F inally, let us introduce Dr. Zoë Mailloux-Maggio.  She received her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice at USC this last weekend....

All Thumbs Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co. .. M ostly gray this morning, but we found a bit of color here and there... O vercast this morning and about 5 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the ESE by 5.1kts and they varied only by turning to the south as the morning wore on, keeping the sea surface smooth for most of the session.  The air temp was 63.1° and the water was 62.4°.  Low tide was at 7:50am -0.7' and high tide follows at 2:44pm +3.8'.  The ever popular 46221 Buoy tells us that we have a SSW swell out of 199° at 3.6'.  Didn't seem quite that big, but we got some good ones none-the-less.  Danger Boy keeps working on the fades...  practice, practice, practice... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Working In A Coal Mine Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R e:  Danger Boy's photo 05/08/12 Can that man smile Damn it? If I was retired I would be smiling so hard it would blind you! Lethal Keithal (We've already got our shades on!  Maybe he doesn't want to overdo it, so that his friends won't be too jealous?  Here's another photo that has him letting go a bit...   Ed.) H azy sun, partly overcast skies and 3 miles visibility this morning.  Winds started out from the west and then stopped.  The sea surface was smooth to almost glassy.  The air temperature was 58.6° and felt pretty nice, while the water in Hermosa was posted as 64°, but felt more like the buoy's 60.8°.  Low tide at 6:50am -1.1' and high tide rises to it's potential at 1:32pm +3.8'.  We have a predominantly SSW swell out of 195° at 3.6' and Hermosa had some fun three footers, with an occasional bigger outside. #2.   If you've surfed Topaz or Sapphire in the last twenty years or so, you've no doubt s...

Testing, Testing Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have a photo of Danger Boy checking out the Cove.  I am going to tell you this story and you might be inclined to call bullshit, but I swear it's true.  But first... O vercast skies this morning with 3 miles visibility, pretty hazy.  Winds were onshore early 5.1kts out of the SW.  Light chop on the sea surface.  The air temperature was 57.9° and the water was 61.2°.  Low tide was at 5:55am -1.5' and high tide was at 12:27pm +3.9'.  The buoy was reading a 3.9' swell out of 198° SSW.  We're calling it 3' with the occasional fat outside. W e got down to the Cove around 8am this morning after looking at all the beach breaks and Rat.  Nothing looked quite right.  So we head up the hill and we pull over at the Cove path and there's this old guy with a Greek surfboard and a shabby wetsuit coming up the hill.  When he gets to where we're standing, Danger Boy says, "How was it?"  The guy grumps a bit and...

Doug Is My Co-Pilot Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co.. . P hoto #1 shows what happens when events collide.  In this case Danger Boy's retirement party and the Cinco de Mayo.  Andrew wasn't taking any chances and prepared for both eventualities... G ood surf all weekend and some little rideable waves this morning.  7 miles visibility under cloudy overcast skies.  Winds were offshore 1.2kts by the time we hit the water at 7:30am and the sea surface was sporting a light chop.  The air temperature was 60.3° and the water was 61.2°.  Thanks to the almost full moon, low tide was at 5:03am -1.6' and high tide was at 11:29am +4.1'.  Some fairly significant tidal swings.  The buoy was reading a SSW swell out of 198° at 3.3' and we're calling it 3' and fair. P hoto #2 features Johnny Huapo and Melissa Mazur, with a distracted Paver, waiting for the sun to take a dive...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Third Person Thursday Surf & Culture Report

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