Working In A Coal Mine Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Re:  Danger Boy's photo 05/08/12

Can that man smile Damn it?
If I was retired I would be smiling so hard it would blind you!
Lethal Keithal
(We've already got our shades on! 
Maybe he doesn't want to overdo it, so that his friends won't be too jealous?  Here's another photo that has him letting go a bit...   Ed.)

Hazy sun, partly overcast skies and 3 miles visibility this morning.  Winds started out from the west and then stopped.  The sea surface was smooth to almost glassy.  The air temperature was 58.6° and felt pretty nice, while the water in Hermosa was posted as 64°, but felt more like the buoy's 60.8°.  Low tide at 6:50am -1.1' and high tide rises to it's potential at 1:32pm +3.8'.  We have a predominantly SSW swell out of 195° at 3.6' and Hermosa had some fun three footers, with an occasional bigger outside.

#2.  If you've surfed Topaz or Sapphire in the last twenty years or so, you've no doubt seen Vinnie Imbriale and Mark "The Poolman" Janicich.  Ok, ok, maybe 30 years.  If you didn't recognize Mark, that's because there was some serious haircutting going on there a few weeks ago.  LoLa says he looks younger and all the ladies thought he was the new guy in town.  

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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