Movable Feast Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So if you didn't get the memo about the 4th, then you're probably going to miss this as well.  But we're half-full kind of guys...
So look...
Pig Roast
Sunday, July 15th, 4pm
Professor and LoLa's house:  516 Paseo de las Estrellas, RB  90277
If you're in the mood bring an appetizer or a dessert...
If not - that's okay too...
If you play an instrument bring that.
The thumb piano is an instrument...

Surfing is going to the dogs...
(Going for the low hanging fruit here...   Ed.)

Foggy in the earlier am, getting partly cloudy early and then full sun after 9:30am.  Hawk was blowing from the get-go 4.1kts out of the WSW, with a bit of light chop.  The air temperature was a cool 61.0° and the water was a disappointing 64.4°, but with the sun a shorty is in order.  Low tide at 8:00am +0.9' and high tide washes in at 2:52pm +4.7'.  #46221 has a SW swell out of 216° mixing with a slight north for a 3.0' bump.  That was about it 3' and pretty fun.

Mark the Poolman, the Professor and Buffalo Kevin Holmes.  Buffalo didn't get the memo about not smiling.  They were there for a shoot of old guys who still wear Wayfarers™.   They'll be at the pig roast...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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