
Showing posts from October, 2012

Happy Halloween Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his is an "horno."  If you have the slightest desire to make perfect baked goods, oven cooked meats and extraordinary pies, then this baby is for you!  We're not going to even mention the pizza - or wait the lasagna ...  Yes, ask Danger Boy about the lasagna ...   T en miles visibility under overcast skies.  Winds were variable to 3.6kts out of the west and the sea surface was smooth to a light ripple.  The air temperature was 58.5° the water was 65.1.  Not bad for the last day in October.  High tide is at 9:59am +5.9' and low tide will be at 5:06pm +0.0'.  We have a WSW swell out of 251° at 2.3' and that's just about the size of the waves this All Hallows Eve.  Hope you get all your treats and no tricks.  Unless for some reason your treat is a trick...   D anger Boy continues to recover and we are almost certain it is not the dreaded dengue fever.  However, LoLa now is battling what looks like th...

Warmish Jueves Surf ând Culture Report

Lost Boys and Co...   Hit the surf this morning early and got some nice ones at Roca Sunzal.  Some stats...  12ft tidal difference minus 1 to plus 11                       water temp 85.5                       air temp 83.6                       Humidity  87%                       Winds  11 kts from the west                       Sea surface   glassy in the manana and choppy por las tarde       ...

El Salvador Wednesday Surf and Cultuyre Report

Lost Boys |^Co...   This is what things look like on an |El Savadorian keyboard, so hold on tight...   We just got down to the beach after stand up paddling, zip lining, river rafting and crawling through a cave too low to stand up in.  That's not counting the enormous meals we've been eating and the William Lawsons we've been drinking.  We've actually only been pulled over by the cops twice...  Danger Boy is not bleeding ... at the moment, but he Professor has a hole in his hand, 27 mosquito bites and a head cold.  It's high tide, the surf is 3' to 4' and we'll be hitting it at sunrise...  more manana!  Maybe even some pics!   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

No Whitewater Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S urf Art is where you find it and this display was in the foyer of the Kaiser Parkview facility in Harbor City.  The boards are covered with archival images chronicling events in Hermosa, the Avenues, Haggerty's/Indicator/the Cove, Lunada Bay and Long Beach.  Recently, there has been some noise from certain quarters suggesting that part of the breakwall be torn down so that "Flood Control" in LB could break on good south swells.  Doesn't seem very likely, but we like the notion... A few clouds on the western front and 15 miles visibility.  Winds started off onshore then about an hour after sunrise, abruptly did a 180 and blew offshore until 10am.  The sea surface was lightly chopped and then smoothed out when the wind changed.  The air temperature was 61.9° and the water was 68.0°, but actually felt a tad warmer.  High tide was at 7:04am +4.4' and low tide will be at 12:33pm +2.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 203° at 2....

Tenebrous Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   N ot exactly a dumpster-diver, this older Jacobs was about to be tossed out on it's fin.  The Professor stepped in and rescued it from a fate worse than a bad repair job and has vowed to return it to some semblance of it's past glory...  We'll keep you updated... P artly cloudy skies this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore from the NE by 3.8kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 63.9° and the water was 68.5°.  High tide was at 6:45am +4.0' and low tide was fast on it's heels at 11:44am +2.9'.  From the SSW 193° we have a swell that was hitting the buoy at 4.3', but not quite making the turn into our alley.  It was 2' with some stronger outsides and breaking hard on the sand.  Some rain called for mañana, but that remains to be seen... T he Prelims for the South Bay Surf League Kickoff Classic continue tomorrow at Hermosa Pier.  The Classic will take place on the 20th at ...

Muzzle Loader Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   W ith orders stacked to the ceiling, our expert shapers, laminators and sanders are working overtime to complete your orders.  However, the state of California does require that they be given regular breaks...  Here they take a hard earned 5... A n absolutely stunning autumn sunrise this morning as we looked shoreward from our vantage point in the surfline.  12 miles visibility and the skies were partly filled with golden clouds and amber rays of sunshine.  Even the high school kids momentarily stopped chewing their gum and remarked on the celestial beauty.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  The air was a close 65.3° and the water was every bit the advertised 68.9°.  High tide was at 6:27am +3.7' and low tide barely changed at 10:24am +3.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207° at 3.6' and it was breaking top to bottom at 3'. N ote:  Once again our presence is required in Central America and the State ...

Bucky Fuller Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, for those who noticed the picture of the " IOWA" was missing, here you go...   O vercast this morning with 7 miles visibility and just a hint of fall light filtering through.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 61.9° and the water was 67.5°, but honestly must have been 70 in the surfline.  Low tide was at 5:32am +2.8' and high tide follows at 12:07pm +5.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198° at 3.6' and it's making the turn with enough strength to give you a push.  It's 3' to 4' on the outside and the RUHS team made it look fun and better than it probably was... L eaving LA Harbor at the end of the 9,250' long San Pedro Breakwater is "Angel's Gate".  This one of a kind light house was built in 1913 for the munificent sum of $13,000.  99 years later it's still standing there welcoming ships to one of the busiest harbors in the world.  In answer to your nex...

Thallium Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Took a trip to Catalina a couple of weekends ago.  Unlike Wheatley, we took the Catalina Express and didn't paddle the distance.  No, we weren't even interested...    Overcast skies this morning with approximately 10 miles visibility.  Winds were swirling but mostly onshore by 2.3kts and the sea surface was lightly rippled.  The air temp was 64.4 and the water was 68.5.  Low tide was early at 5:10am +2.4' and high tide followed at 11:32am +5.3'.  The buoy  thinks we have a 3.0' swell out of 199 SSW.  We hit the Cove for a late afternoon session and it was 2' to almost 3', but inconsistent.  It was however, beautiful and we enjoyed the solitude and the walk. New Entirely Different Words You Need To Know... Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.      The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future....

Wrist Wrestling Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... More Words you need to know... Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp. Gargoyle (n.), olive-flavored mouthwash. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.  Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists. Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.   Overcast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore out of the SE by 1.9kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 66.4° and the water was 68.9°.  High tide was at 11:02am +5.5' and low tide will be at 6:03pm. +0.7'.  The 46221 Buoy tells us that we have a 3.0' swell out of 200° true SSW.  This swell event isn't hitting with the kind of authority we wish, but it was still 2' to almost 3' at Hermosa and the kiddies had a stellar time. This is the battleship "Iowa."  At one time, if the peop...