Muzzle Loader Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...
With orders stacked to the ceiling, our expert shapers, laminators and sanders are working overtime to complete your orders.  However, the state of California does require that they be given regular breaks...  Here they take a hard earned 5...

An absolutely stunning autumn sunrise this morning as we looked shoreward from our vantage point in the surfline.  12 miles visibility and the skies were partly filled with golden clouds and amber rays of sunshine.  Even the high school kids momentarily stopped chewing their gum and remarked on the celestial beauty.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  The air was a close 65.3° and the water was every bit the advertised 68.9°.  High tide was at 6:27am +3.7' and low tide barely changed at 10:24am +3.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207° at 3.6' and it was breaking top to bottom at 3'.

Note:  Once again our presence is required in Central America and the State Department, the Department of State and the State of the Department have asked us to marshall our resources and make our way to El Salvador.  We're not saying this is important, but ☞Danger Boy☜™ will be joining the crew.  We leave on Friday for two weeks and during that time the report will be sketchy at best.  You will have to use your imaginations until we return...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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