Wherefore Art Thou Wednesday Surf & Culture Report
Lost Boys & Co...
In a remote location, in a third world nation, on a post, in the corner of a bar, was this sign. We did a double take, but really weren't surprised...
Foggles in your goggles this morning with almost a ¼ mile visibility. Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth. The air temperature was 55.2° and the water was 62.6°. Low tide wasn't that low at 7:44am +2.9' and high tide wasn't that high at 12:52pm +4.0'. We have a west swell out of 264° at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' and a tad mushy, but rideable.
Redondo High met Mira Costa for their annual surf showdown and the Seahawks got an early drop on the Mustangs. By the 5th heat they were tied 42 to 42 and it looked like Redondo had the juice to go all the way. And then the bodyboarders hit the water. Bodyboarding has arguably taken a hit in the last few years, with a lot of the standouts (so to speak) having graduated. Costa went 1 - 2 - 3 and left Redondo trying to catch up. It stayed close, with Redondo theoretically able to tie all the way to the last heat. Costa doesn't give anything away though and they managed to beat Redondo 91 to 77. Next year...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!