One Pope Over The Line Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e get letters... M ein Herr Professor, It is with guarded enthusiasm that I send a request for an application to be a member of the "Lost Boys Surf & Culture Club." As of late, I have retired and after many years of service now find myself with some spare time. Recently, a group of religious gave me this surfboard (pictured) and I have some interest in learning how to surf and cultivate the beach lifestyle. In my youth, contrary to some accounts, I wasn't a joiner and adopted the surfer look (sandals, long blond hair, VW bus etc.) For a short time I even owned a Morey-Pope surfboard, rather portentous, considering... Although, I currently reside in Italy, I am looking for a small place in Hermosa Beach (have you heard of the St. Francis Hotel?) and hope to move there before summer. I am diligently working on my English and in future correspondence may I address you as "Dude?" Cowabunga! Joe Ratzinger (Well, YEAH... ...