Monorail Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our first photo is a good look at Topaz/Sapphire on Saturday.  Looks like a big one at Topaz, but if you look at the end of the jetty, you'll see that it's breaking on BOTH sides.  That's a big wave.  We ended up riding at 615 and got some honkin' waves.  One of the standouts at Sapphire was Chanel Catuagno on her 9'0" purple blade.  She was picking off the big lefts and riding them until they were smoke...

This morning things have calmed down and we have blue skies with just a few puffy clouds.  Winds are calm and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature was 46.9˚ and the water was down to 56.1˚.  High tide was at 9:31am +5.9' and low tide is at 4:04pm -0.8'.  The surf is coming from the west at 269˚ and registering 3.3 at the buoy.  Depending on your location it can be 1' and poor or 4' and walled up.  There doesn't seem to be too much in between.  Maybe this afternoon, if the wind doesn't beat it up...

Photo #2 demonstrates what we've been saying all these years, "The water goes all the way to the bottom of the cliff."  In fact, that's why there's a cliff there!  When they built the bike path they built it higher than the beach used to be, so it  doesn't happen as often now.  But hey, a little global warming and put on your waders...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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