Wear Your Wig Hat Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... K atie Parkinson wished she had been wearing her wig hat this morning! Caught in the middle of a loose board dance, she got beaned on the noggin and came up with a split scalp. Maybe her tight ponytail didn't help? Fortunately, Surfer-Nurse-Lifeguard Tandis Morgan had joined the crew for a go-out and was right there to render first aid. Looks like maybe 10 stitches? Katie's questions in the order they were delivered to the first responders: 1. Will I be able to go to prom? 2. Will they shave my head? I was going to wear my hair up. 3. Did you guys see that wave!? If you want to feel better, consider Phineas Gage, who had this tamping iron driven into his head. By all reports he wasn't quite the same afterwards... Duh... C lear morning with 15 miles visibility. Winds were softly offshore by 3kts and the sea surface was smooth for a change. The air temperature was ...