No Tidal Wave Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We found some great examples of the luthiers art in Eagle, Idaho.  They used local woods like bird's eye maple and olive, as well as koa from Hawaii.  Our favorite was a concert model in olive wood that had a deeper than usual body.  The tone was quite exceptional, unfortunately so was the price...

Finally, the wind stopped from yesterday and turned around like it's supposed to.  It was blowing 4kts at checkout from the east and the sea surface was smooth, verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 61.3˚ and the reporters mixed up the numbers and made the water 63.1˚.  Low tide is at 7:49am +0.4' and high tide will be at 3:11pm +3.3'.  We have a west swell out of 265˚ at 3.9' and we're just going to go ahead and call it 3' to 4' and pretty darned good.  Hermosa was looking pretty fine this am...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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