It All Flows To The Sea Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You look outside and it's cloudy and it rained about 4am, not looking much like summer in the South Bay.  But if you were in Kehea, Maui it might look like this, as the sun came over the volcano.  If you were hangin' with Boomfwappa, you might be drinking a cup of Kona coffee and thinking about paddling out or maybe just walking along the beach...  Ah, but we're not...

So, it's cloudy like we said and the winds are calming.  The sea surface is smoothing down and the morning sickness is subsiding.  The air is a cool, damp 63.1˚ and the water is a warmer, but damper 66.9˚.  Low tide is at 6:33am +0.0' and high tide will follow at 1:03pm.  We have a SSW swell out of 195˚ at 3.6' and a bit of that is making it here, so we have 2' to 3' surf.  A bit ragged, but it looks like it's getting better with the rising tide...

Word is that the Professor was seen stumbling out of the Barahona Factory covered with foam dust and mumbling to himself.  Rumor has it that he and José have been working on a "Cardon Flyer."  That means that the Professor takes a hatchet to a piece of perfectly good foam and José comes back and makes it look like a surfboard...

Meanwhile, we're waiting for Home Depot to deliver the dryer we ordered earlier this week.  We have to wait from 9am to 1pm.  So, what's your take on when it will actually arrive?  Birdie has the farthest out guess:  10pm.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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