Who You Callin' Booger-Face Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So here are the accommodations at the Cardon Adventureland Senior Adult Palapa.  Danger Boy and the Professor would get in shape in the morning by jumping from bed-to-bed twenty times.  They only had five mid-air collisions the entire week!  (But three in one day)  Of course Danger Boy hit his shin on the corner of the bed every morning and by the end of the week was in danger of contracting gangrene...  or sharks...

Puffy clouds this morning and 19 miles visibility.  Winds were on from the crack of dawn, by 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 64.5˚ and the water continues to drop to 62.6˚, registering 65˚ even at Hermosa Pier.  Low tide was at 7:48am +2.5' and high tide will be at 2:39pm +4.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 196˚ at 2.6' and it's 1' to almost 3' on most beaches.  It's supposed to get better as the week processes...

Photo #2 features the Dangerous One himself outside of their digs.  You could sit up in bed and check out the surf...  Housekeeping would crank up the AC to make the beds and if you didn't dial it back, you would get frost burn from the fixtures.  No bugs in the rooms, most likely because there was an army of geckos outside sucking them up at a rapid rate.  The guy from the Geico commercial was there the week before, but he had his bugs sent in...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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