
Showing posts from September, 2013

Not A Mouthbreathing Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A T LAST!  What all swimmers have been waiting for since the invention of the nostrils!  A nose on your forehead so you don't have to turn your head to breathe!  Okay, so it isn't exactly great looking, but that's becasue it hasn't caught on yet.  Everybody will be doing it, just wait.  Of course you can always wear a hat.  Nothing ticklish though (feathers are out.)  B eautiful fall morning with 20+ miles visibility and a cloudless sky.  Winds were offshore by 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth, verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 60.6˚ and the water was 65.7˚, but felt warmer with the chilly air.  High tide was at 7:46am +4.5' and low tide will be at 1:21pm +2.0'.  We have a building swell, currently out of the SSW at 2.6', but it should be turning more from the north.  That's just about it for waves, 2' to almost 3' depending on the tide.  Looking best with a little tidal push... O ...

Firm For A Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how some places give you a hat when you buy a drink?  We'll they'll do that at "Luau Larry's" on Catalina.  But if you do a spirited version of the meringue  and dance on the table in the "Cave," they might give you a hat if you promise to leave quietly.  In all fairness, you're in Catalina, you're at "Luau Larry's", you're partying with the brother of the mayor of Artesia...  How can you possibly leave quietly...? LoLa with hat, in "Cave"... M eanwhile, back on the mainland, we have cloudless skies and 20+miles visibility.  Winds were calm, after last night's blow and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 59.2˚ and the water is 62.2 wind assisted degrees.  High tide was at 6:28am +3.7' and low tide will follow at 10:35am +3.2'.  We are enjoying a west swell out of 261˚ at 3.9' and it's funneling in at 4' to 5' with some steep faces... NO!  Not t...

Through The Looking Glass Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G irl talk... T hings were nice and calm until the wind turned and changed all that...  20 miles visibility under clear skies and at checkout the wind was a mere zephyr.  By 10:30am it was 12 to 13kts and white caps were rampant.  The air was 61.5˚ and the water was 64.0˚.  No doubt if we get a streak of bad weather or more wind, the temps will drop another few degrees.  Low tide is at 8:16am +3.2' and high tide will follow at 2:44pm +4.4'.  We have a west swell out of 267˚ at 3.9' and it's bumping through at 4' to 5', although "bumping" is the operative word...  More bump mañana...  Check'em out...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Waterworn Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G oing back to school is a bit different today than it was when a lot of us were kids...  But teachers are hip to the tricks... C loudy, but a fair amount of blue through the puffy "Toy Story" clouds.  The hawk was up and offshore by 6.3kts and leaving a bit of reverse chop in the process.  The air temperature was 65.7˚ and the water was a fall-like 64.6˚, but not freezing.  Low tide was at 6:50am +2.9' and high tide will be at 1:26pm +4.7', the tides back around at the end of the week.  We have a steady WSW swell out of 250˚ at 3.3'.  The surf at Hermosa Pier was 3' to 4' with some draining barrels...  Very fast... S orry for no report for the last week!  After the power outage that effected a great swath of the SoBay, we never got back on-line completely.  Turned out our router was cooked and we had no phones or internet.  Actually it wasn't all bad...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The...

Triggerfish Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hat we have here is a Green Stair Frog .  They are usually found in trees, where they are known as Green Tree Frogs .  However, this one was under the stairs so it must be a Stair Frog and it was, as you can see, green.  There was some discussion as to whether this amphibian was in fact alive.  Danger Boy reported that he had failed to note any respiration or any winking of the eyes.  The Professor countered with the fact that the subject was at rest and that it may have been taking advantage of it's nictitating membranes to keep it's eyes moist.  The debate rages on... C loudy this morning disguised as heavy overcast, clearing about noon.  Winds were out of the south 193˚ by 3.3kts and the sea surface had a slight bump to it.  The air temperature was 63.2˚ and the water dropped to 62.8˚, losing about 4˚ overnight.  High tide was at 8:38am +5.4' and low tide was at 2:27pm +0.9'.  We have a west swell out of 2...

A Bob Meistrell Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he paddle out for Bob Meistrell was quite the event!  Estimates ranged from 300 to 600 folks in the water and twice that many lined the shore and the upper walk to watch the ceremony.  It looked like you could walk from board-to-board and just get your toes wet.  When a swell would pass, you'd watch the group rise in the west and then dip four or five feet as the undulation continued.  It was the original "wave."  Kevin Souza provided some great music for the event, including a great rendition of the Van Morrison classic "Into the Mystic."  The Coach, resplendent in his white robes, added the proper gravity to the celebration and ended with an "Our Father."  The initial release of a white dove suggested Bob's spirit soaring above and then the entire flock careened around the group before heading shoreward.  S unny, cloudless skies this morning and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth w...

Fight Or Flight Friday The 13th Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co.. . W e're thinking we're good with all of the above...  Wait...  Maybe outdoor sex is a question... H azy sun this morning with 5 miles visibility through the thickness of it.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 63.4˚ and the water is 63.7˚ and felt cooler than earlier this week.  High tide is at 5:55am +3.6' and low tide follows early at 10:11am +2.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 255˚ at 3.6' and the surf was 3' and a bit disorganized... R emember that the paddle out for Bob Meistrell is this Sunday at 9am (South of the Redondo Pier at Ruby St.)  There's a reception to follow at Seaside Lagoon from 11am to 1pm.  If you ever bought anything from Dive 'n Surf or owned a Body Glove wetsuit, then you might want to say thanks... F lashbak at Keegan's tonight, 7pm to 10pm.  Music, mirth and Terpsichore...  ✠  "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

A Tyrannical Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's that time of year again, the bamboo harvest.  This year we decided to just top the current crop to keep a barrier between us and the farm next door.  We still ended up with some poles that were 10 to 15 feet long.  Plenty for some bamboo project (another surfboard carrier or custom VW bus racks?)   We're thinking the Professor might be contemplating a ring swing... C loudy this morning, but not scheduled to last long.  10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth, verging on glassy.  Yesterday the air and water were the same temp (62.6˚) and likewise today they're an identical 63.1˚.  Low tide at 6:10am +2.0' and high tide will be at 12:46pm +5.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206˚ at 2.0'.  We're calling it 1' to 2', small but some excellent little peelers... R egarding the nature of the hereafter... Oh yee of little faith Professor . . . presuming no waves in Heaven?   Given he ...

Magnetic Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S teve's, (the former fire chief) classic '49 woodie made it to the mural in Trader Joe's. L ooking like Septembrrr... this morning with heavy overcast and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were onshore from the start and a light chop broke the surface.  Both the air and water were 62.6˚.  Low tide was at 5:36am +1.5' and high tide will be at 12:01pm +5.5'.  We have a west swell out of 268˚ at 2.6' and it's 1' to 3' and just a bit crunchy.  Maybe when the tide comes up and if the wind backs off...? P atience is a virtue...  We keep forgetting...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Foreshock Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou can always tell when you have two sailors in the house.  They have all of the salsa bottles on the bar recreating yesterdays course and a stir-stick representing the direction of the wind.  The salt and pepper shakers are the two boats in question.  It appeared that salt was close, but pepper won by two shakes...  (Captain Donnie and David Doegh, photo by Barry Santos for Sagres Beer, Portugal ) A nother summer day, as we try to make the season last as long as possible.  Clear skies and 17 miles visibility.  Winds were calm most of the morning and the sea surface had a slight bump that decreased as the morning heated up.  Air temp was 67.4˚ and the water was 65.5˚.  High tide was at 10:25am +5.3' and low tide will follow at 4:29pm +0.9'.  We have a west swell out of 267˚ at 3.0' and the surf is 2' to 3' and fair to better than that...  need a little patience as the tide rises... D espite personal sacrifices, on...

Trifid Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his is the proper way to eat pupusas.  That is: fork, hand and extra crumblies on your face for later.  Appropriate uniform:  Futbol jersey, running togs, bare footsies.  That's it...  Hat/cap optional... C lear hot skies and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and there was a slight bumptiousness on the water.  The air temperature was 67.7˚ and the water was 68.4˚.  High tide is at 9:14am +4.6' and low tide will be at 2:44pm +1.6' for your wading pleasure.  We have a SSW swell out of 199˚ at 3.0', which is better than we've had for a couple of weeks.  It's 2' to 3' and fun to funner...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Another Labor Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen surfer gather together there is always an interesting collection of boards as well.  They vary in length, width, thickness and shape.  Some of them are right off the shelf, others have been crafted to the riders specifications.  Photo #1 is a pair to draw to, a couple of Wheatley's fresh out of the bag.  Photo #2 has everything on the rack from a slot bottomed Slickenmyer, several Barahona's including a Bonzer, a "Cardon Flyer" and a couple more Wheatley's... O vercast with light drizzlations.  6 miles visibility, clearing about 12:30pm.  Winds out of the SSW by 2.3kts and the sea surface had a light chop.  The air temperature was 65.8˚ and the water made a show for Labor Day scratching all the way to 68.7˚  High tide was at 8:53am +4.4' and low tide was at 2:11pm +1.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205˚ at 2.3'.  It was a small 1' to 2' and poor.  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Prof...