A Tyrannical Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's that time of year again, the bamboo harvest.  This year we decided to just top the current crop to keep a barrier between us and the farm next door.  We still ended up with some poles that were 10 to 15 feet long.  Plenty for some bamboo project (another surfboard carrier or custom VW bus racks?)   We're thinking the Professor might be contemplating a ring swing...

Cloudy this morning, but not scheduled to last long.  10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth, verging on glassy.  Yesterday the air and water were the same temp (62.6˚) and likewise today they're an identical 63.1˚.  Low tide at 6:10am +2.0' and high tide will be at 12:46pm +5.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206˚ at 2.0'.  We're calling it 1' to 2', small but some excellent little peelers...

Regarding the nature of the hereafter...
Oh yee of little faith Professor . . . presuming no waves in Heaven?
Given he and his fathers profession, Jesus may very well have been the first Jewish Longboarder!  There was a rumor to the effect that the Last Supper began as an awards ceremony for the First Annual Sea of Galilee Invitational, the washing of the feet (to get the sand off), they had the cool leather slaps, bread and water changed to the body and blood (hard to ignore the water and blood connections to Danger Boy--perhaps a disciple reincarnated), . . .
I wonder what their board shorts looked like?
Big Daddy
(Board shorts were woven reeds, worn low on the waist and cut just above the knee.  On rare occasions when the Romans surfed they used those plated metal skirts.  Nasty rashes and wipeouts almost always meant a walk on the bottom to shore... Ed.)

This sign was in evidence on the shore of Lake Wobegone.  Turns out, when we checked with our own lifeguard service, that we have the same prohibitions!  We're trying to find out what the fine is for underwater smoking...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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