Down By The Sea Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here on the north side of the island of Terceira, in the Azores it's looking like there's a bit of spray kicking up...  

High clouds and some hazy sun this morning with about 3 miles visibility.  Winds are off at 2.3kts and the sea surface is brushed smooth.  The air temp is a dampish 51.6˚ and the water is even damper at 59.7˚.  Low tide is a bit late at 11:30am +0.8' and high tide follows at 5:34pm +3.2'.  We have a west swell out of 262˚ at 3.0'.  And we'll give it that.  Joined the kids and the Kadowaki crew at 26th this morning for some long lines that just kept getting longer as the tide dropped.  Check it mañana, s'posed to stay good...  Earlier the better...

So you walk down from the village of Biscoitos to check on all that spray.  Just on the island side of the road you catch a glimpse of what's generating all that aerosol sea water.  A solid 20', but they'll tell you it's only 6 meters.  During the summer this is a swimming hole they call the "colleta," which probably means "swimming hole."  We were driving this road a couple of years ago and Matt Paine was navigating.  We had taken off from Praia Vitoria and 15 minutes later we stopped here.  "Where are we on the map Matt?"  He says "Here..."  We look and we're a quarter of the way around the island from where we started.    "Whoa, we'd better slow down or this is going to be the fastest surf check ever!"

One more story:  Those cute little cottages?  About every fifth one is empty.  Some have been empty for almost a hundred years now!  When folks left to emigrate to the U.S. they just abandoned their places.  Most of the time the remaining family would take the place over, but often they just sat there.  Our cousin Joe Borges went to visit the family homestead and found it bustling with long lost relatives.  They welcomed him like your basic prodigal, then things got kinda chilly.  He asked what was up.  The bravest among them said that they thought he might want to collect all the back rent on the place!  He laughed so hard, he almost choked on his linguiça sandwich.  He assured them that he had no intention of charging them back rent or future rent for that matter.  Well, you can imagine then the party kicked into high gear and they killed a pig, started dancing and brought out the good stuff...  Like ya' do...
 "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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