
Showing posts from February, 2014

Off & On Rain Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C hecking it out on this rainy Friday morning, we noted this wide swinging arc of sediment tracking around the corner of the Topaz jetty.  The swell is almost straight out of the south, so it's making for some interesting currents...  Maybe cutting some good holes and creating some nice sand bars...  S poradic rain at times throughout the day and 10 to 15 miles visibility.  Winds gusting to 12kts and the sea surface is sporting a healthy chop.  The air temp is 62.1˚ and the water is 60.4˚.  High tide is up at 8:07am +6.3' and low tide will follow at 2:43pm -1.2'.  We have a swell crabbing in straight out of the south at 177˚ and it's 5.6', but showing a blown down 2' to 4' at most spots...  S'posed to clean up a bit for tomorrow with less wind and rain...  Check'em out... W ith the sun peeking out at times, we got this super low rainbow cresting over the statue of Tim Kelly on the Hermosa Pier.  A nice moment on a ...

Thoroughly Modern Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ood juice, bad juice.  Nothing like a little Lagunitas as the sun goes down to put things in perspective.  We recall that the turnoff to Saliditas was a little village called Lagunitas.  Coincidence or something more...   T he rain came through in the middle of the night and left us with 15 miles visibility under cloudy, but predominantly blue skies.  More rain on the way as the wind blows on at 5.4kts.  The sea surface is sporting a confused bump.  Air temp is 59.6˚ and the water is 60.4'.  High tide is at 7:19am +6.3' and low tide follows at 2:05pm -1.3'.  A good time to check the berm for all the change that falls out of the sediment!  A west swell out of 265˚ at 3.9', but it's directionally challenged and is anywhere from 1' to 4' depending on your location...  Needs some cleaning up...  Kinda like the following... Y ou know how we like to tease Danger Boy about how he won't go in the water for 72 ...

Watershed Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ne more Greg Noll pic.  (Courtesy of Ivan Fernandez, FotoCubano )  Lettering a la Rick Griffin and the FRontier prefix on the phone number!  Yes, that's FRontier 6-4898 for all your surfing needs.  Which meant 1. Surfboards, 2. Wax.  T-shirts came later, but there were no clothes, wetsuits, removable fins or leashes.  Leashes?  "Leashes are for dogs!" anon. C loudy and looking like it might really rain, like they said.  10 miles visibility and the wind is offshore by 3.7kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature is 56.7˚ and the water is 60.3˚.  High tide is at 6:29am +6.0' and low tide will be really low at 1:26pm -1.1'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206˚ at 2.0' and that should be swinging around from the north this afternoon...  Currently less than 1' and is the advertised "calm before the storm..."  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Too Much Fun On My Vacation Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o we dropped the ball yesterday and couldn't get the report out of the computer.  Is anyone else having trouble with their phone/computer/cable lines.  Seems like it happens to us a LOT. B ut that was yesterday, so let's look at yesterday ...  Do you remember this So. Bay landmark?  Yep, it's the Greg Noll shop on PCH near 14th St.  These shots were taken by Leroy Grannis and bring back a lot of memories.  Although it's not shown, you might remember the yellow gun that was on the wall behind the counter.  It just gave you chills to imagine riding a 20 footer on that 11+ rhino-chaser...  Damn... still does... G ray and cloudy this morning and 10 miles visibility.  No wind and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was 55.6˚ and the water is 60.1˚.  High tide is early at 5:34am +5.6' and we start a week of minus tides at 12:35pm -0.8'.  We have the calm before the predicted storm w...

Frank Paine Frank Paine

Thermodynamic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O k, we're not even going to put a clever caption on this photo.  The plan is to take this same shot for the four years these three are on the surf team.  Our subjects are from l. to r., Emma Waldinger, Frank Volk and Kelly Haraka.  We have promised Frank that by the time they're seniors he will be a head taller than the girls.  This better work... A lovely Southern California late winter's morning.  Actually looks more like early spring than late winter...  Hazy sun and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 2.7kts at checkout and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was a cool 52.9˚ and the water was 58.6˚.  Low tide was at 6:41am +1.2 and high tide will follow at 12:24pm +3.2'.  There's a west swell out of 262˚ at 3.3' and it's 2' to 3' at most spots.  A bit crunchy with the low tide, but watch it as the tide rises and your favorite spot starts working... A Danger Boy sighting at Brother's this ...

It's Gonna Cost Ya' Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he deal was, whoever got the biggest, best tube ride this morning, got a free breakfast burrito on the Professor at Brother's.  Now that was no small thing.  In the last four days there had been three broken boards.  So Trevor LaShure pulls into a couple of gaping barrels and beats out Kyle Beatty by actually more than a little bit.  But then things turned south and on a late takeoff he got nailed 7/8ths of the way down and came in with this articulated Wheatley...  Gluten free Wheatley... O vercast with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were on early by 3.6kts and the sea surface had a bit of chop to it.  The air was 55.9˚, but felt 10˚ colder and the water was 58.3˚.  Low tide early at 5:38am +1.2' and high tide will be at 11:26am +3.8'.  There's a west swell out of 278˚ at 3.9' and it's 3' to almost 5' at most spots.  Maybe better organized mañana!  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!...

Tenebrific Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W here is this?   Big left - maybe the Pipeline?   No, the guy is wearing a wetsuit. Maybe Mavericks? No, Mavs is predominantly a right. Hammerland? No, but good guess...  It's the Breakwall and that's Dan Connell on this burly left.  It was a couple of weeks ago when it was really the only place holding along the beaches.  Photo credit to Randy Ruby, who has been doing some great surf photography in the last few years as well as some fine nature work... M eanwhile, we had 10 miles visibility this morning under partly cloudy skies, which little by little turned gray.  Winds were offshore at 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 54.4˚ and the water was 59.2˚.  High tide was at 10:43am +4.3' and low tide will be at 4:54pm +0.6'.  We have a west swell out of 270˚ at 3.9' and it's 3' to 4' at most spots, but you have to wait for your favorite tide to make it work...  Awfully crunchy this mor...

Thank God For George Washington Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... J ust when we thought we had made the ornithological discovery of the century, Tio Ted burst our bubble.  Turns out the bird we thought was a "Nene Goose" was in fact a "Brant's Goose."  We figured if got geese got blown to Hawaii, they could get blown back...   A bit cloudy/foggy this morning with about 7 miles visibility.  Winds were swirling out of the south and west until they changed around 10 and the sea surface was a tad bumpy.  The air temperature was 55.8˚ and the water was 59.4˚.  High tide was at 10:06am +4.8' and low tide will be at 4:28pm +0.3'.  We have a building west swell out of 275˚ at 3.6' and it's 2' to 4' at most of your favorite breaks...  Watch for the wind changes... K eianu Diers, leans down a nice pier wave and heads for that warbling little section on the inside.  He was a dedicated bodyboarder until he discovered longboards...  At 6'2" it was probably a good decision...   ✠ ...

Valentine's Day Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, just to be fair, we ran Kenny Okuda yesterday, so here's brother Mike flyin' low on one of those lines that have been rippin' down the beach at Hermosa lately.  He was getting an inordinate amount of speed on some of these little funnels. A nother gorgeous morning with 10 miles visibility under a few high clouds that quickly burned away.  Winds were lightly offshore at 1.6kts and the sea surface was smooth and filled with seals, fish, dolphins, birds and 2 whales!  The air temp was 60.9˚ and the water was 58.8˚.  High tide was mid-morning at 8:30am +5.5' and low tide will follow at 3:14pm -0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 264˚ at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' with some of those nice little knee slappers we keep on about... W e've received a few requests to run Richard and Donna's address:  371 Paseo de Gracia, RB 90277.  Lost?  310-791-5733 N ot to be out done by a mere shortboarder, Kris Hall is about half-way through thi...

Think About It Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S urfing at Hermosa involves a lot of action close to the beach, other surfers and and the hook.  Here we see it done to good effect by Kenny Okuda, dodging teammates, the lip and the fast approaching sand.  He and brother Mike are co-captains of the Redondo High surf team...  A beautiful morning with 15 miles visibility under a mostly clear skies with a few clouds bumping around.  Winds were offshore at 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth with a slight roll.  The air temp was 60.9˚ and the water was 59.2˚.  High tide was at 8:00am +5.5' and low tide will follow at 2:50pm -0.4'.  So it was a west swell out of 265˚ at 2.3' that greeted our surfistas this morning.  2' with some fatter outsides, fun and a good morning for Celystina and Aubrie to hit the surf! O n a serious note... You might have heard by now that there are some among us that are dealing with some considerable health issues.  This brought Richard Paine to...

Time Is Tight Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ast Friday we had some clouds to start out the morning and since Coach Avery was out they sent a substitute teacher to check on the Professor as he guided the Seahawk surfers through their paces.  The Professor chatted it up with the boy and found that he had gone to college at LSU and played a little football there.  But the sub was excited about surfing and wanted to know about the particulars.  All of a sudden he looked up into the sky and said "Whoa!"  The Professor said, "What?"  The sub squinted west and looked up and said, "Hurricane."  "No, no, just some clouds with a bit of a clearing there."  said the Professor.  The sub shook his head, "I've been through a couple of big ones - that's lookin' hurricane to me."  The Professor just nodded and said, "Well, maybe I should chock-down the bus and batten the hatches."  The sub just said, "Yep." N o clouds this morning, just so...

Mandolin Wind Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y es, Dasha, we love your nails, very chic! A building swell this morning with 10 miles visibility under cloudy skies.  Winds were offshore at a speed of 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 55.5˚ and the water was 59.4˚. Y es, Dasha, the new glasses add another 20 points to an already prodigious I.Q. H igh tide was at 6:16am +5.2' and low tide will be at 1:29pm -0.2'.   D asha!  Your hair is always perfect! W e have a west swell out of 276˚ at 3.6' and it's broken through all the tides at 2' to 4'. W ait!  Dasha, that looks like an engagement ring!  It IS an engagement ring!  Congratulations!  That Fuzzini is one lucky Lost Boy! ✠  "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Off The Wall Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur host for this year's Super Bowl party was Oscar Nephtalie "Pena" Barahona (with Master Pig Roaster JB.)  As usual there was tons of great eats including pupusas, carne asada, eloté, and this great yam/pineapple dessert that tasted like it should'a been a pie...  Wait... that's a GREAT idea. We'll get Betty Crocker on it right away! T his morning the surf class was getting some awesome waves, inspiring everyone up and down the beach.  So after class everyone who wasn't in the water swapped places with the students who didn't want to risk a truant!  It was cloudy with some bright sun breaking through and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were off by 2.1 kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temp was 52.1˚ and the water was down a couple to 58.8˚, but still not bad.  Low tide was late at 11:05am +0.8' and high tide will follow at 5:38pm +3.0'.  We have a strong west swell out of 261˚ at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4...

Cloud Up & Rain Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ut ahead of the pack we have Suzanne and LoLa stretching their lead.  This year's Super Bowl 10k was quite a bit more closely contested than the game itself.  And the commercials!  We were all trying to guess what they were flogging... P artly cloudy skies this morning and getting progressively thick with a chance of rain this afternoon.  Around 15 miles visibility and a bit hazy.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 52.9˚ and the water was 58.8˚.  Low tide was at 9:35am +1.1' and high tide will follow at 3:42pm +2.9'.  We have a WSW swell out of 252˚ at 2.3' and it's 1' to 2' at most spots... P hoto #2 was taken the instant before this swimmer did one of the most spectacular water-walks ever recorded.  Actually this beast is the largest known fish, the Whale Shark.  It's yawning maw is typically used for gathering plankton.  But we're wondering if it's not so big tha...

Tattletale Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Nothing like watching the sun go down while sitting on the patio at Samba...  Maybe a chilled beverage in your hand and a few sweet potato fries, good company and stimulating conversation add to the ambiance! Some surf this morning under partly cloudy skies and about 10 miles visibility.  Winds were trying to be off, but remained mostly calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 48.8˚ and the water was 58.6˚ under a warming sun.  Low tide was at 6:36am +1.1' and high tide was at 12:26pm +4.0'.  We have a west swell out of 269˚ at 4.9' and it was 3' to 4' at most of your favorite breaks... Here we have a photograph of famous Russian surfer Aubrinova Sorenskya.  It was the first time Aubrie has been cold in Southern California...  However it might be the last since she made it to the Dive 'n Surf sale and scored a new 4/3 and a pair of booties!  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!