Time Is Tight Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Last Friday we had some clouds to start out the morning and since Coach Avery was out they sent a substitute teacher to check on the Professor as he guided the Seahawk surfers through their paces.  The Professor chatted it up with the boy and found that he had gone to college at LSU and played a little football there.  But the sub was excited about surfing and wanted to know about the particulars.  All of a sudden he looked up into the sky and said "Whoa!"  The Professor said, "What?"  The sub squinted west and looked up and said, "Hurricane."  "No, no, just some clouds with a bit of a clearing there."  said the Professor.  The sub shook his head, "I've been through a couple of big ones - that's lookin' hurricane to me."  The Professor just nodded and said, "Well, maybe I should chock-down the bus and batten the hatches."  The sub just said, "Yep."

No clouds this morning, just some annoying blanket-sucking fog.  Visibility maybe 200yds in some places and not quite in others.  Winds were off at 2.5kts and the sea surface was smooth, where you could see it.  The air temperature was 53.8˚ and the water continues to baffle us at 59.5˚.  In fact we're pretty sure that it will either be the warmest summer on record or the temps will plummet around May and never get above the current 59˚ all summer long.  High tide is at 6:55am +5.4' and low tide will be at 1:59pm -0.3'.  We have a west swell out of 271˚ at 3.3' and it's 2' to 4' at most spots.  We hung out this morning waiting for the fog to lift and about 10am it did just that.  Everyone jumped into their wetsuits and scampered for the surf.  For about 15 minutes.  Then the wind changed and blew the whole mess back...  A tad disappointing... But at least it wasn't a hurricane...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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