Donal T. Sterling Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

After Donald saw this pic of LoLa and Andrew he called her and asked her not to take pictures with the employees of his cigar company.  She told him to go to hell.  This was Andrew and he was the night watchman at a cigar company.  For his work he makes $16 a month.  He gets free medical, free education and a place to live, but since $16 (Cuban) still doesn't go very far, he sells cigars on the black  market.  A box of Cuban's goes for $40 and beats working nights...

A bit of wafflation on the water this morning, with 17 miles visibility and partly cloudy skies.  Winds were out of the NNE at 5.4kts and the sea surface was slightly bumped.  The air temperature was 63.3˚ and the water dropped a few to 59.5˚.  High tide was at 10:29am +4.3' and low tide will be at 3:49pm +1.1'.  We have a diminishing swell from the SSW 227˚ at 3.6' and it was 3'.  Maybe it'll be a bit cleaner mañana...

Jon Mangiagli was on assignment to get the local folks wearing his buddy's "Crap" sunglasses.  These were the kids who worked at the piña colada stand and they were more than happy to pose.  We had forgotten that the blenders were the size of kitchen trash buckets...

Finally, touring about Havana is thirsty business.  The crew stopped in this little bar/boutique for some liquid refreshment.  The Professor asked for a dry martini.  When the barkeep starting pouring vermouth, the Professor yelped and the guy jumped and stopped.  The following conversation ensued:

Prof.:   Conyo!  Que pasa with all the vermouth?  Yo quiero a DRY martini!
Barkeep:  Maybe I am not thinking dry?
Prof.:   Maybe, puedo ajudarse-help?
(the bartender slides the glass over to the Professor.  The Professor pours all of the vermouth back into the bottle, looks at the glass and then launches most of the remaining drops over his shoulder to who-knows-where.)
Prof.:   Ginebra!
(The barkeep gives him the bottle of gin.  The Professor pours it to the rim.)
Prof.:   El Shaker!
(The Professor pours it into the shaker and motions for the bartender to shake it.  He shakes it about 15 times.  The Professor shakes his head and motions for him to continue.  He gives it about 10 more and the Professor shakes his head NO!  Now he really throws himself into it and about a minute later he's pouring the most delectable rime-ice-laced martini you have ever seen on this island.)
Prof.:  Prova!  Go ahead taste it!
(The bartender inhales a sip and then rolls his eyes up.)
Barkeep:   It is like a little, how you say, cloud!
Prof.:  THAT'S a dry martini, Hemingway...
(The bartender motions to his waiter, whispers something and the waiter comes back with a Cohiba for the Professor.)
Barkeep:   For the lesson - enjoy!
(L. to R.:  Ché, Jonny and the Professor, with his gift.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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