Temple Bar Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, we are late returned from the Emerald Isle, by way of Morocco and are ready to share some pics and stories from the journey...  But first how's the surf here...?

It's overcast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  We have winds variable to 3kts, primarily out of the SSW.  The sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature is 62.2˚ and the water is 66.8˚.  High tide was at 8:34am +3.7' and low tide will be at 1:29pm +1.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 201˚ at 1.6' and it's 1' to 2' and needs a lot of help...

You might recall that for many years the Irish experienced what they termed "the Troubles."  Two areas in Belfast, Northern Ireland were lightning rods for each side:  For the Catholics, Shankill Road.  And for the Protestants, Sandy Row on Falls Road.  Of course, where would we go to look for answers?  Right, Shankill Road and Falls Road.  Right off the bat we couldn't find anyone to give us a tour of Sandy Row.  So we walked it ourselves.  Photos 1 & 2 are from Sandy Row murals.  They are staunch supporters of the Crown and salute the British flag.  Photos 3 & 4 are from the Shankill Rd. and we took these and quite a few others while on a tour lead by a former IRA "Volunteer."  It was chilling.  We all read about it, we all saw the photos, but when you walk it and hear the stories, it's rather overwhelming...  In true Irish fashion the tour ended with a trip to the pub in which our host treated us all to Guinness's.  Was decidedly the bitterest Guinness of the trip...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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