
Showing posts from October, 2014

All Hallow's Eve Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F irst of all this is NOT bird shit.  It's the larval stage of some insect that was chewing on the leaves of the Professor's lemon tree.  There were a bunch of them.  The scary thing was that on the back end of this creature, there were these skull looking patches of pigment!  They all had them.  We don't know if it was just for Halloween or if it's some kind of protective coloration.  Like if it's not enough that it looks like bird shit, they have to go one better and have a scary butt...  Nature is pretty bizarre... C loudy this morning with predicted rain on the way.  7 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the WSW 252˚ and the sea surface had a slight bump.  The air temp was 61.4˚ and the water dipped down to 69.8˚ after the longest run in the 70's that we can remember.  High tide was early at 5:13am +5.3' and low tide will follow at 10:33am +2.7'.  There's a WSW swell out of 257˚ at 2.6' and it...

from Frank Paine

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Cheeseburger In Paradise Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f anyone ever tells you we don't live in a gorgeous place, show them this pic of sunrise this morning.  Kinda-sorta spectacular... 15 miles visibility and partly cloudy skies like it shows in the photo.  Winds were off by 3.6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 60.6˚ and the water was 70.3˚.  Low tide was at 8:43am +3.0' and high tide follows at 2:37pm +4.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 249˚ at 2.6' and some weather closing in this afternoon.  It was 2' to 4' and good surf for the Redondo Vs Costa contest. I n a pretty great competition Redondo lead for most of the contest only to falter in the 7th heat.  Even though Seahawk Trevor LaShure got a first in the 8th and final heat, it wasn't enough to quell the Mustangs and they won by 8 measly points...  Redondo had four first place heats, but couldn't quite fill the top three spots consistently.  RUHS hasn't beaten 'Costa since '06.  It's about...

Bird On A Wire Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ome of these babies just roped down the line... 20 miles visibility and nary a cloud in sight as the air temperature hit 59.5˚ and Ugg Boots™ began growing out of people's pant legs.  Winds were mainly off shore variable to 2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The water temperature is 70.2˚ and even with the latest northwest wind swell it hasn't budged.  Low tide is at 5:45am +2.7' and high tide is at 1:11pm +5.1'.  We had a WSW swell out of 248˚ at 2.3'.  That translated to 2' to 4' (maybe) but got better as the tide filled in... C ontest mañana at Hermosa Pier, Redondo against Mira Costa.  WHY do they pit arch rivals against each other in the first dual meet of the season?  Fun starts at 6:30.  Get there early or you'll be parking at the Capitan's house...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

from Frank Paine

Hi! People say it works Frank Paine

He Was A Tyke On A Trike Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A n early morning dredger at Hermosa Beach...  Nothing like that early morning gold... A nearly cloudless morning with 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were variable offshore from 4.3kts to calm.  The sea surface was smooth.  Cooling off, we had 59.2˚, breaking the 60˚ mark for the first time since May!  Meanwhile, to the delight of all those scantily clad surfistas, the water remains at 70.5˚!  Low tide was at 5:45am +2.7' and high tide was at 12:08pm +5.5'.  We have a diminishing swell out of 260˚ west at 3.3'.  It was a fun 3' to 4' and probably a bit smaller tomorrow... W aiting for the sun to warm things sufficiently we have (l to r and bottom to top):  Taylor, Ellie, Alix, Kelly, Sierra, Coach Avery and Luke Meyer flexing.  He might have been just a tad put off that the girls turned to look at the camera...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Sand Fireworks Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G otta take a few minutes to go on about the South Bay Surf League Kickoff Classic.  Like for instance there were 150 men's shortboard contestants and when the dust cleared number one was Kyle Beatty from Redondo!  The last Redondo surfer to do that was his brother Connor in 2011.  Oh yeah, and he's a freshman!  You can't have a first place unless you have a second and all of those steps along the way.  In this case, one step from the top in Men's Longboard, Kris Hall came in second.  There were 50 contenders and South High Coach Leigh McArthur said that Kris surfed the best longboard heat (in the semi's) he'd ever seen since he's been coaching surfing.  Also in the finals was Tate Curran, who came in a close fourth overall.  In the women's shortboard Emma Waldinger beat some strong competition (including a couple of sponsored ladies) to finish second.  Her first place in the third round sent her directly to the fina...

Being A Tyrant On A Tirade Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he directions go something like this:  "Turn left at the pink house with the bamboo door and the teak skateboard steps..."  This looked like the place... A beautiful morning - we are not going to do well when winter really gets here - with clear skies and 20+miles visibility.  Winds were soft offshore at 3.4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 61.5˚ and the water is still hangin' in at 70.0˚ although it's a good bet the swell will drive that down a bit.  High tide is at 8:24am +5.5' and low tide will be at 2:46pm +0.7'.  We have a rising west swell out of 271˚ at 5.2' and it's a solid 4' to 6' and quite good... A classic wood plank fishing canoe...  You put an out board on one of these babies and they'll do 20kts in the flats...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Theodictic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T here'll be a benefit for Skyler Nelson on Friday the 17th (check out the attachment) and a paddle out on Saturday the 18th at noon off the 10th St. Lifeguard Tower (details also on the flyer.)  His family is having a rough time scraping together enough for his bills and funeral costs, so any donations are welcome...   P retty much clear skies and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were perky offshore about 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 62.3˚ with just the slightest hint of a chill (like we were almost expecting it!) and the water is still a brilliant 70˚!  High tide is at 6:16am +4.1' and low tide will follow early at 11:30am +2.9'.  We have a west swell out of 266˚ at 4.3', but it's still walled and thumping all along the surf line.  Could be bigger mañana and maybe it'll dig a few channels for the faithful... R emember:  Happy Hour at R-10 Public House.  West of the Corner Pub, south of Kaptai...

Western Hemisphere Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he electrical service in the third world is notoriously spotty.  Take for instance the afternoon the power went out and we walked around the alley only to discover the wiring had been removed for safety reasons.  It seemed at the time that it would be safer to have electricity, than rotting food in the fridge... A morning with perfect conditions in terms of wind and sky.  Partly cloudy skies and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 4.9kts, the sea surface was smooth and the water was about as clear as it gets.  The air temperature was 62.3˚ and the water is still a barely believable 71.1˚ at the buoy!  Low tide was at 9:53am +3.2' and high tide will be at 3:27pm +4.3'.  We have a solid 3.0' swell out of 225˚ SW and it's 2' to 4' but still wally-crashy.  We need some bigger wave action to break up the pool table bottom we now have and dredge some holes and create some channels... I t always brings a smile to your fa...

Tomcat Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C onsidering our weather over the last few months, this isn't so fantastic, but then again the water temp is 83˚ on the Zicatela and that's ten degrees warmer than here.  Capitan Donny, is across the street in his hammock waiting patiently for happy hour... A bit of gray this morning with 10 miles visibility and overcast skies.  Winds were offshore by 2.1kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 65.3˚ and the water was 71.4˚.  Low tide was at 7:53am +3.1' and high tide will be at 1:37pm +4.7'.  We have a WSW swell out of 251˚ at 3.6' and it's a wally-crashy 2' to 4' and not great shape...  Mañana? B ulwer-Lytton "One cannot easily shake off old habits," was all that retired Detective Tim O'Hara could say when, after rifling through the dead old man's pockets (which, as he expected, were all empty), inspecting his throat, and forcing open his cold, stiff hand to get his fingerprints, he was gentl...

Wish I Had A Famulus Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur antidote to poker playing dogs.  Butch caught what started out to be a nice left only to end badly in the shorebreak...  We can't tell if he's regular or goofy foot? C loudy skies this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 67.3˚ and the water was an incredible 72.7˚ at the buoy!  High tide is at 10:43am +6.4' and low tide follows at 5:31pm -0.3'.  We have a SW swell out of 215˚ at 2.6' and it's like that at most special spots... F inally, we have Chauncey on a triple-overhead macker.  His owner was yelling "Run to the nose Chauncey!"  One look at Chauncey's face will tell you that it's a long way to the nose from there and he's currently welded into position...  It's kinda like Greg Noll at Waimea Bay, not pretty but effective...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Who Knows What Day It Is, But We're Guessing Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o we got our asses out of bed on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning at 3:25am and took this really bad photo of the blood moon.  We would've called it the "Red Lumpy Moon®," but apparently that's already copyrighted... S ome clouds this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3.7kts and the sea surface had a nice offshore riffle.  The air temp was 66.5˚ and the water was 70.4˚ and becoming increasingly an oddity as the month passes.  High tide was at 10:06am +6.5' and low tide follows at 4:43pm -0.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205˚ at 2.3' and it was better than that at 2' to 3', aided by a sweet tidal push... A s it turned out, the best part of the "Blood Moon" was the moonset on Wednesday morning.  That was pretty spectacular...  No blood was involved in the taking of this photograph...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Take A Little Hermosa Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... N o, it's not easy to get up early in the morning to go surfing.  But the benefits are more than just some crack-o'-dawn curls.  On this morning, if you were early, you got to catch this layer of ground fog that covered the beach.  It only lasted a few minutes and then it burned off to let the day begin in earnest... A few loose clouds bumping around in the firmament and we have 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 1.3kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 63.8˚ and the water was 70.4˚.  High tide was at 10:06am +6.5' and low tide is at 4:43pm -0.4'.  It looked pretty weak at checkout, but it continued to build and if you were patient, you got some sweet little 2' to 3' footers. O ur sincere condolences to the family and friends of Skyler Nelson, who passed away a couple of days ago.  Skyler was a fixture in the water at Hermosa and along the Strand.  He worked for Joey Georgeanna and was...

Fulminating Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... B row furrowed in intense concentration.  Wait...  make that "entire face furrowed."  Just in case you thought surfing was supposed to be fun... S ummer appears to have taken the equinox as a direct challenge to stick around a little while longer.  Hot and hazy with about 20 miles visibility, through some light smoggishness.  Winds were out of the NNE at 3.3kts and the sea surface was glassy and the water was trés clear.  The air was 74.6˚ at 7am and the water was a refreshing 69.6˚.  High tide was at 6:35am +4.3' and low tide will follow at 11:52am +2.4'.  There's a SSW swell out of 213˚ at 3.0' and it's 2' to a weak 3', but wally crashy at most spots.  Most folks were going out to just sightsee and enjoy the sun and water... R emember tonight at 5:30 at the Mermaid in Hermosa Beach.  The good thing about the Mermaid is that if you cruise by and don't like the looks of the crowd, you can just wave and keep peddling...

Know Thyself Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how when you first try walking to the nose you seem to pearl a lot?  Well it doesn't help even if you only have eight toes and not the typical ten.  Bowzer here, pearls up to his fetlocks, but still maintains composure for a high scoring wave... A beautiful day with just a smoggish haziness dulling the 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were offshore at 3.7kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air was a toasty 71.3˚, going up to the high 80's, while the water was a comfortable 68.9˚.  Also just about as clear as it gets.  We thought the clarity was from the lack of wave action, but Kris Hall's sister said that it was also because there was a lack of organic material in the water.  Come to find out, this isn't always such a good thing.  It means all those plankton, krill, microbes and such have either left or worse, died off.  Quickly working your way up the food chain, that can't be good for anyone.  By-the-...