Cheeseburger In Paradise Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

If anyone ever tells you we don't live in a gorgeous place, show them this pic of sunrise this morning.  Kinda-sorta spectacular...

15 miles visibility and partly cloudy skies like it shows in the photo.  Winds were off by 3.6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 60.6˚ and the water was 70.3˚.  Low tide was at 8:43am +3.0' and high tide follows at 2:37pm +4.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 249˚ at 2.6' and some weather closing in this afternoon.  It was 2' to 4' and good surf for the Redondo Vs Costa contest.

In a pretty great competition Redondo lead for most of the contest only to falter in the 7th heat.  Even though Seahawk Trevor LaShure got a first in the 8th and final heat, it wasn't enough to quell the Mustangs and they won by 8 measly points...  Redondo had four first place heats, but couldn't quite fill the top three spots consistently.  RUHS hasn't beaten 'Costa since '06.  It's about time...

This isn't the Redondo Surf Team...  Wait, we're checking...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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