A Commodius, Thirty Days Hath September, April 30 Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, we're sitting in Brother's and we overhear this conversation: "No, dude, I saw the whole thing..." "I'm telling you man, there is no such thing as the Meth Hunter and he's not going around busting people on meth." "Oh yeah, well tell it to the chick who ended up in handcuffs and the 5 people who were in the apartment and the cops who had to rescue the meth-heads from his wrath... And dude, I don't like say "wrath" lightly..." "Yeah, well... I'm still not sure..." "Hey Wheatley and Chuck saw it too! They believe!" "Next you're gonna tell me Ivan and Greener and Boris saw it too..." "Okay, I just hope you're not doing meth... That's all I have to say..." (Artist rendering of Meth Hunter as described by an alleged meth user... "He was just smiling and beating the shit out of me , with like ...