Wading Pool Wednesday Surf & Culture Rreport

Lost Boys & Co...

Rasta Pete casts a long shadow...  Making sure the conditions are to his liking before taking the plunge.

Hazy sun this morning and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were calm, before turning onshore for most of the late morning.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 62.2˚ and the water was 59.5˚.  High tide was at 7:26am +4.0' and low tide will be at 1:31pm +0.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198˚ at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4'.  Bigger than Tuesday it's supposed to be a big heftier mañana, check'em out...

Meanwhile, on Lake Guia on the El Salvador, Guatemala border, LoLa navigates her way through the volcanic outcroppings on the southern edge.  These glassy-calm inlets are home to egrets, herons, vultures and serve as breeding grounds for talapia, cuatro ojos and catfish.  There was also a spectacular bloom of bright green algae that looked damned near fluorescent.  Nothing quite so calming as a paddle on these tranquil waters...

This Friday's happy hour is scheduled for the Bluewater Grill.  5:30pm and if Danger Boy makes it wear your woolies since fire and O₂ don't mix (unlike gin and vermouth...)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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