Marsh Gas Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

They're still working on the Hermosa Pier.  Supposed to be done sometime before the end of May...

Visibility is right around 10 miles under overcast skies.  Winds were blustery to 4.5kts and the sea surface was a bit chopped up.  The air temperature was 57.8˚ and the water is 59.5˚.  High tide was at 10:35am +4.0' and low tide will be at 3:46pm +1.5'.  We have a south swell out of 185˚ at 4.9' which is great if you happen to be at the Wedge or Malibu or maybe even Huntington, but here we're looking at 2' to 3' rather messy conditions.  We hope it's a tad better mañana.

Someone asked if we had any surfing pics from El Salvador.  We didn't think we did until this shot of the Professor came to us from Melissa Mazur.  It was the last day of the trip and this was toward the end of the session.  Wish they had the first one that turned into a roping tube...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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